Saturday, July 27, 2024

The tax authorities will control everything: who are the first to be at risk


It is likely to be tax, Or a revenue agency, in the future may miss something: AI is taking on the field that, in various ways and forms, will make sure to find tax evaders and those who have arrears or haven’t paid the sums owed.

New weapons for tax authorities

Recently we have worked to understand the high-tech applications that will make this battle more effective: in our in-depth article we interviewed attorney Massimo Leonardi who told us a reality. Revolution In the technological field. Machine learning and text mining are just some of the terms that we will learn to use in the near future with all the administrative and legal problems this machine will inevitably cause. “The paradox, of course, is that they will no longer hire tax consultants, but rather electronic engineers, the way of working will change completely, but it is very dangerous. The legal rationale that a synthetic machine would not be able to doHe told us: “We remind you that the Council of Ministers has given the green light to the Italian recovery plan, which will reach a total of 248 billion euros, hence the need to” protect “these funds as much as possible.”I give you 248 billion but you enforce anti-evasion regulations for me, because a third of those don’t benefit from tax evasion.Leonardi explained to us. The point is this:It is a legislative intervention that the European Union asks of us to face the recovery, it all starts from there“.

“Additional assistance to tax authorities”

There are no controls today, on the contrary, but the technology will help make the agency’s machine more accurate and faster“, Says Pietro Baconi Ferrarotti, partner at tax law firm Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici ad. Business finance. “This new drive – The lawyer continues – It will make it possible to carry out very targeted checks based on information already in the possession of the financial department which, when crossed appropriately, will be able to report indications of anomalies and risks of evasion in order to conduct verifications.“. The Machine learning It is a name born now, and it is a programming language used by these statistical algorithms. “The device is programmed with a series of inputs that trigger checks that are performed when a specific statistical parameter is exceededWe were told by Leonardi, who gave an example of a taxpayer per VAT number whose turnover is 30,000 euros per year but has a boat registered in Monte Carlo along with other assets. All this will be immediately intercepted.

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Who risks first

If for example – says PIccone Ferrarotti – uThe taxpayer is moving large sums of money abroad but has not completed any investment announcement outside Italy, and it may also appear that he has purchased luxury items, the tax inspectors will likely want to see them clearly.Not surprisingly, the 2021-2023 performance plan prepared by the Revenue Agency stipulates 340,000 checks in three years for professionals and small businesses, thus 113,000 checks per year, or more than 300 per day. Tax solutions consulting firmIn this context, special attention will also be given to verifying the use of the resources available to companies to counter the economic impacts of the Coronavirus. “The first to be put under control – It reads on their website – it will be those who took advantage of bonuses paid after the total ban on activities“.”next – Piccone Ferrarotti continues – Corporate structures and transnational plans created to defraud VAT can be targeted, including those within societyI”.

“Technology is good but with clear regulations”

Plus, machine learning that we talked about earlier, there is Network analysis In which it will be possible to verify and track those who evade or evade taxes by analyzing the indirect and hidden relationships between companies; On the other hand, data visualization will provide graphic representations of the analyzes made by AI to facilitate the work of controllers. As attorney Leonardi told us, if making the controller more efficient is a positive fact, the central issue remains open: making the legislation more explicit. “Our system today is very complicated. We are faced with a large number of laws that can sometimes make it difficult to predict how a conflict will end.Piccone Ferrarotti explains. “There are regulations whose implementation is now being bypassed by technology that needs clarificationThe attorney confirms.

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