Saturday, July 27, 2024

The suspension of No-Vox doctors has been disabled. Jaya: “Without them, Venice hospitals would be in a waltz”


Yesterday, Governor Luca Zaya’s “Live TV” updates tore the veil in a chaotic situation. If this is the case in a region like Veneto at the forefront of the struggle against covetedness, let alone the rest of the country.

Zaya’s words echo at least four harsh criticisms: 1) it is impossible to carry out planned “suspensions” for health workers who refuse to be vaccinated because it risks sending hospital operations into crisis; 2) the absence of clear rules regarding profiles (legal and trade union) that regulate the employment relationship between the healthcare company and No-Vox physicians and nurses; 3) Approximate total number of patients admitted for treatment. Ten days ago – underlining Zaya – we had 40 new cases, today 669, a + 150% of cases. They have almost no symptoms at all. What is the risk? The truth is, asymptomatic young people can affect unknown parents. In ICU patients, only one was vaccinated with a single dose and the others were not vaccinated. Of the 160 patients we observed, 144 were not vaccinated, 16 were single dose and none were double dose. Then: The Del Delta variant is important today. A fact: 226 delta and 22 alpha (English) of the 280 models deployed. The RT in Veneto is 1.6. But, in some ways, the most paradoxical aspect is the absurd claim that doctors who treat Govt patients, but do so without vaccination (“for free choice”). Occasional cases? Far from it. As of last month, there were 45,000 “resisting” white coats. Against them, health officials should have initiated “suspension procedures”. But the deployment of 45,000 specialists, including doctors and nurses, means – and Zaya’s words confirm – that it will precisely affect the entire operation of hospitals when maximum performance is required. Not surprisingly, currently 45,753 health workers are not vaccinated, and the percentage of “suspension practice” procedures is only 2.36% of the total. In short, another proof of how unwilling “threats” are – or rather, they are not – can follow solid facts. The surrender of Governor Zaya is symbolic: “The suspension of health workers who have not yet been vaccinated has been disabled because there are no staff to replace them.”

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But it’s not just the health sector. Managers of discos yesterday appealed to the TAR against the Council of Ministers’ decision to close dance venues. The sector has 2,500 companies with a total of 50,000 employees and total revenue of 5 billion (in 2019). However, from 2020, zero collections and all unemployed.


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