Saturday, July 27, 2024

The space passengers on board Virgin Galactic are Italian: This is what they are


The crew for the next Virgin space mission will be exclusively our citizens. For Italy, this is a cause for prestige.

Virgin Galactic’s new mission will have an Italian crew (by Adobestock)

next flight from Virgo Galaxy . will be flagged crew All Italian. space mission British company You will employ members of our Air Force, who will be called upon to conduct scientific assessments and laboratory analyzes under conditions microgravity. last July 11 flock galaxy In Richard Branson Heralded in programs that should be the beginning of a new era of space tourism.

The deep bond between the company outer space Britannica Virgo Galaxy and our country Its history goes back more than five years, when the Italian Space Agency Altec NS Thales Alenia Space Signed an agreement with the money tycoon in 2016 Branson For the possibility of building an area port area At the Taranto-Grottaglie factory.

The signed agreement was later completed thanks to the intervention of the US State Department and Sitael, the largest private Italian space company, while the flights should be available by space companyVirgin Galactic, a sister company.

Virgin Galactic’s Italian passengers will be a source of pride for our country: that’s when they get to work

Richard Branson
Elle mogul Richard Branson (via Getty Images)

with the expected participation representative Prominent in the Air Force, you will become Italy The first nation to complete a subtropical flight with “humans”. He will also be the first to perform on site scientific reseach, which can bring interesting news in the medical sector and encourage the development of new materials.

The Plane SS2 . module It will be departing in just over a month from New Mexico, although its takeoff was originally scheduled for 2019 and then returned to 2020 due to some Electromagnetic interference. After constant delays, you can now count on a crew of four men On board, three belong to military body and one in Advise National search.

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The team will hold a prick Hardware To conduct experiments and thus try to achieve the desired results. In addition, the mission will work to understand if there is already margins to get right skills that could create the future coveted space planes.

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They will bring with them scientific materials and equipment to conduct tests under conditions microgravity Search Medica And on the material. According to what has already been determined, the journey (module 23) will also be used to gain knowledge logistics technology About the possibility of launching satellite plans. This opens a double path for Branson on the one hand brought into space Wealthy VIP who have already submitted an application (see for example Lady Gaga and Robbie Williams), on the other hand to deepen studies for government agencies and agencies. We hope good luck.


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