Saturday, July 27, 2024

The South Pole of Mars, mystery solved?


Its name is derived from the Greek and denotes a kind of pride very common in Mars, to the extent that it is spread over nearly half of the planet, especially in the Southern Hemisphere: smectiteThat made the headlines of a new study that sought to explain it Reeds are a decorative material subordinate South Pole orb. Search formatted by York University Toronto, posted on Geophysical Research Letters (Element: “A powerful interpretation of the bright radar reflectors under the south polar ice of Mars”); It was carried out by an international working group, which also includes the Italian geologist Stefano Nerosi, now in effect at the University of Arizona.

Scientists rely on laboratory experiments NS computer models, I wanted to check if you Bagliore observed in The south pole of Mars from the probe Mars Express Delwho – which – With Marquis, a radar tool that is part of Italian contribution To the mission – was actually attributed to the existence of Water, as initially thought.

Two tests after Mars Express observations showed that amounts of a discount Based on the heat Much higher than those “presented” before red planet; Therefore, the “culprit” of the brilliance had to be sought in another material and the most suitable candidate was found in the aforementioned. smectite. Starting from this starting point, the research team participated in a series of Experimental activities; They participated, for example, in measurement From Radar Features From smectite diverse Environmental conditions, including those that distinguish Underground subordinate The south pole of Mars.

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At the end of simulation, scholars have speculated that Reeds are a decorative material Can be specifically attributed to smectiteBasalt is a clay mineral that forms in basalt (the igneous rocks that build most of the surface of MarsIt decomposes chemically in the presence of water.

According to the authors of the article, this material is likely to be found in the . region Antarctic hat It is of great importance because it indicates the presence of sediment They may have had it in the past react with water Even before there was ice.

Above: The south pole of Mars as seen by the Mars Express (Credits: Esa/Dlr/Fu Berlin/Bill Dunford)


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