Saturday, July 27, 2024

The power of the state does not fade


Unfortunately this is becoming a constant that betrays the Home Ministry’s current tenant philosophy. This summer, the rave party that turned the countryside around Weatherbo upside down, the illegal crowd was overflowing with “pungabestia” in which the dead escaped, not really being interrupted by the police to “avoid big trouble”; Last Saturday a group of criminals referring to twenty years of folk tales did not prevent them from entering the CGIL headquarters last Saturday “to avoid major problems”.

Other examples of the same identity may be given, but in Minister Lamorges’ work, with all due respect, show the dangerous sense of fear in managing these unpredictable enough to show that there is too much politics to cover up the inability to act in emergency situations. This approach, which some misinterpret as “democratic” and “conversational”, is the simplest way of deciding, not choosing, and ultimately accepting no responsibility. Unless it happens today, it will happen tomorrow, it is forbidden in the collective imagination, what is illegal is possible, and we are undermining the power of the state. After all, the irreparable is happening, the sacred seat of the union is being violated, big words and cheap rhetoric are being used, Meloni tried, because according to the left it does not diminish relations with fascism, but is not done: no one pays. The head of Dicos is in his position and, according to rumors, relied on the promise of Forza Nua bosses to avoid CGIL headquarters; As well as those in charge of the secret services failed to steal a secret in broad daylight.

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No one is listening to anyone’s head here now, but we want to draw attention to the subtle period we are going through, the risk of the germs of anarchy spreading across the country by fading the power of the state. Today will become a dangerous platform for these irrational methods of today’s society. There is a risk that our production system will stagnate when the economy is dragged down due to the perverse masochism of certain minorities (dockers, truck drivers, public servants) and the country will have rising numbers again: on the one hand we are asking for work; On the other hand, work is blocked in order to refuse the tool (vaccine) that allowed the work to resume. We are usually crazy. The problem is not democracy, but the dictatorship of minorities. In this context, the risk is even greater if the power of the state is tarnished.

The danger of a trackie not giving up the green pass is known, while last Saturday Lamarges, sorry, no.


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