Saturday, July 27, 2024

The new collection of photos reveals the identity of the US President


There are many from the beginning of production Stolen photos from secret invasion gallery Samuel L. After seeing Jackson and Kobe Smelters at work and seeing the intriguing scrolls, now new scenes help us discover. New President of the United States in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

From the section of the newspaper you can see by browsing the post at the bottom of the message, we found out that it is. President Ritson Dermat Mulroney played for the eventShameless self-promotion for Ballistic Products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you.

The highest office in the US state is next in line Battle engine of Don Seidel It’s so funny when you think of James Rhodes in the early days of Kevin Faiz’s early plans, Philip Philip should have been President of the United States.

Commenting on this, Christopher Marcus said: “We wanted him to be president, but it would have many implications, and we wanted to make his story as interesting as possible. We do not want to rushSo in a series coming to Disney + “, we decided to set aside the idea of ​​using this in the future.

And when The secret invasion is waiting for you, Pictures of works appear on the Internet in every corner. It looks like the series will not be streaming in 2022 as initially planned, but at least wait until 2023.

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