Saturday, July 27, 2024

The latest news of Coronavirus. Europe wants to open its borders to pollinators to restart tourism


France, through travel restrictions and self-certification

Signs of a slow return to normal life in France, where some of the restrictions the government decided to curb the infection are no longer in effect. In the first four stages of reopening the country, the ban on moving more than 10 kilometers from one’s home falls without a valid reason. Therefore, it becomes possible to travel between the various French regions. Linked to this provision is also the removal of the self-certification obligation for travel between 6 and 19, which is the time the night curfew is confirmed. Moreover, it is permitted again to enter France for reasons such as tourism or visiting relatives from European Union countries and seven non-EU countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. As for the school, from today the lessons also re-exist in high school, although, depending on the local epidemiological situation, there is a possibility of father continuation of up to 50%. From May 19, if the situation permits, the curfew should be moved to 9 PM and restaurants will be able to reopen, but only outdoors, as well as museums, theaters, cinemas, art galleries and stores.

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