Saturday, July 27, 2024

The GTA 6 trailer seems to confirm the leak of new features for RAGE 9


It is very popular Tractor to GTA 6 It seems to confirm A RAGE 9 new features leaked It appeared two months ago, in October: a report in which sources close to the game’s development spoke about the graphical improvements that had been made.

To be precise, rumors have claimed that GTA 6 will feature much better graphics than those of Red Dead Redemption 2, with an emphasis on unraveling the mystery. Technical changes Made for Rockstar Games proprietary engine.

In this case we were talking about it Improvements The following aspects of the experience were highlighted:

  • Physics (real-time water simulation, better vehicle deformations).
  • Manage time more realistically (morning, day, evening, night).
  • Display quality (textures, lighting, volumetric clouds).
  • Artificial Intelligence (interactions with NPCs, police reaction).

Does the clip confirm everything?

The GTA 6 trailer, made up of in-engine sequences, appears to confirm the information in the leak, highlighting… Many steps forward have been made Compared to the already popular game Red Dead Redemption 2.

The scenes seem to cover most of these features: the water physics introduced in the beach and boat scenes, the quality of the lighting system in displaying the different moments of the day, the greatly enhanced presentation of characters, landscapes and volumetric clouds, while it is clearly too early to talk about behavioral routines.

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