Saturday, July 27, 2024

The centre-left tries again in Basilicata: the contract under the name Dem Marres. Calenda: “Schlein didn't answer my phone”


After withdrawing Domenico LacerenzaCenter-left consolidates new name for presidential candidate Basilicata area. In the morning a table was held at which the perimeter of the alliance was “defined”, with Pd, M5s, Avs+Europe and Socialists. And the deal was announced in the afternoon Piero Marrese, President of the Province of Madera, supported above all by Lucanian dems. “We said in a joint statement that the political forces of the democratic, progressive and ecological camp of Basilicata have met and unanimously nominated Piero Mares as the presidential candidate of the region for the elections to be held next April 21. Called the broad camp. “The proposal remains Open to other civic powers In the same camp they want to join, it aims to provide the citizens of Basilicata with a better government alternative than the failure of the last five years of the Purdi administration”.

With Angelo Ciorasso's movement Basilicata Casa Commune, “We are ready for discussions with other civil forces and we are optimistic. We will see what happens in the next few hours and work to define the structure of a broad coordination to run for the elections,” added Igor Taruffi, organizational manager of the Democratic Party.

Stock and I.V. Carlo Calenda In the morning he “leaves no contradiction about.Stupid” struck in the past few days: “There are leftists is covered e He doesn't answer the phone. Literally: “Since yesterday afternoon, 5 Stars and the withdrawal of the Democratic nominee, We searched for Ellie Schlein, The Democratic Party, understanding what their intentions are in Basilicata, is right to do as we are opposing forces. To our great consternation, we were unable to speak to anyone.” However, the choice of action still involved: an official decision had to be announced. Marcello Pittella e Donato Pezzolano, Regional Councilor and Member of the National Action Secretariat and Regional Secretary of Action Basilicata respectively. “I have always expressed a positive attitude Vito party“, that is, the outgoing center-right president, supported by Italia Viva, Calenda repeated anyway. “A moderate, a man of institutions, a civilized person, a pro-European, a liberal”.

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