Saturday, July 27, 2024

Space, Philade communicates with young patients at the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome


Rome, January 29. (Iskan News) – Air Force Colonel Walter Velade is in orbit on the International Space Station for the Volontas mission of the Italian Defense, our country's first commercial space mission within the Ax-3 mission of the private American company Axiom Space, on the morning of Monday, January 29. Contact some Young patients from the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome. Colonel Velade answered the questions and curiosities of the children gathered in the games room of the Janiculum Headquarters, in the presence of the President of the Bambino Gesù, Tiziano Honesti and the Air Major General Urbano Floriani, Head of the 5th Communications Department of the General Staff. From flying. “The land seen from here looks much smaller and very beautiful,” he said in answer to little Cecilia's question. The astronaut explained to the children the work on board the International Space Station and the ongoing experiments. Further contacts with the Italian students are scheduled in the next few days, either at the headquarters of the Italian Space Agency in Rome or at the Institute of Military Aeronautics of the Air Force for a meeting dedicated to students of the Giulio Douhet Aviation College. Military School and other secondary schools in Florence. Meanwhile, in space, Villadi and his colleagues are also sharing “Italian-style” lunches with all the astronauts aboard the International Space Station. “Yesterday – he said – we had the pleasure of sharing our extra pasta with the crew of the International Space Station. It is good, even if we intend to expand the frontiers of space. And it is certainly good to expand this community by bringing space culture. The food is from Italy, as well as from “Many other countries are enriching these efforts.”

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