Saturday, July 27, 2024

So they put the bill at risk


It is always important to stay up to date and inform yourself of scams: scammers deceive by entering INPS in the message: what is it

Scam (Image source: Adobe Stock)

that of tricks Unfortunately, it’s a really delicate and delicate matter that is never identified, and always has to be a lot. Be careful And lend hard attention, Update and tell oneself about it: One of these has to do with a The letter in which the name INPS is mentioned, But that’s exactly what it is.

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that some unsuspecting citizens fall prey to some tricks which gradually become more complex, and for this reason, it is necessary to be very careful.

May they be Text message on your smartphone, E-mail or more, the end goal is always the same, which is to jeopardize i county Citizens who rely on distraction or goodwill are those who fall victim to it.

Recently, specifically in last June, was the State Police Through social media to report a forgery, Which the police invite you to pay attention to and also to inform friends.

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Inps, watch out for scams: suspicious account wipe text messages

Therefore, great attention should always be paid to tricks to me tricks And all those methods for those who try to deceive citizens in order to get Access the account, then empty it.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of methods that jeopardize citizens’ savings from time to time, just think for example of online scammers and online scams.

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Precisely for this reason, it is important to follow the connections of the forces of order and institutions and not stop informing oneself about them.

As mentioned recently, last June, State Police May refer to the launch of a mission Warning For everyone.

Specifically going, it seems that I Scammers send text messages With an internal notice regarding the transfer that could have been made by INPS “(S without the period)”, we read in the social post of police.

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The invitation in the message is meant to get people to click on a link, and those who do so by following the instructions end up finding themselves on a page with major sites Banks Italian. The request that arrives is to enter the bank online through your own account Credentials.

at that point “game over”, for example scammers They can access the citizens’ account and then empty it. State Police, in the social post, explains that wherever this happens, Delete the text message and report the incident.

Inps, beware of scams: this is how they deceive and put the account at risk
Posted by State Police (Image source: Facebook,


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