Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shark tearing up a man in the sea under the eyes of four children


One shark 4.5 meters tall, he attacked and destroyed him Paul Melatchup In the sea a few meters from the beach of Port Beach North Fremantle (Australia)Under the eyes of the four Children who were on a rubber boat not far from the port. The tragedy occurred yesterday morning and the body of the man who was dragged by the shark has not been found.

Australian police have identified the victim as Paul Milachip, 57, a married father of two, and announced that they halted the search for the man at 4pm (local time) on Sunday.

Paul Millachip’s wife cries, who told Australian newspapers that her husband died doing what he loved most and was a “great dad”: in fact, the couple trained on the beach two or three times a week, and after running Paul Millachip liked to swim not far from the shore.

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kids heroes

Australian police said in a press conference that some teenagers were alerted to them by some teenagers who watched the shark attack closely: “Four children saw what was happening in the water when a person was attacked by a shark – police said -.” The guys immediately alerted the emergency services and like true heroes they warned the other boys who were surfing near the scene of the tragedy and then pulled the other swimmers out of the water.”


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