Saturday, July 27, 2024

Serkan tells the UAE Society a secret


Why are workaholics Serkan Polat Doesn’t Kerem Bursen go to work on August 19 every year? This is the question that Ida Yildiz (Hande Ercel), from the first episodes of loves in the air-You’ll pose on her fake boyfriend. Anyway, the protagonist will go all the way, until the man tells her a sad truth …

Also read: LOVE IS IN THE AIR, Episode 1 previews on Monday, May 31, 2021

Love is in the air, intrigues: Ida is fascinated by Serkan’s lack of work

The Progress She indicates that everything will start shortly after Ida and Serkan pretended to be involved to arouse jealousy Celine Big Unal, the guy’s ex-girlfriend, is now about to get married Wounded (Cagri Setanak).

Precisely because of this agreement, which will even include a contract to be signed, Yildiz will start working on The art of life, The architecture firm that Bolat runs, and you will be amazed when, one day, a frowning architect doesn’t come to work, the place he spends most of his time.

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At this point, the woman will ask Do it (Anil Elter) H. Beryl (Başak Gümülcinelioğlu), the man’s associates, if they knew Serkan’s whereabouts, but the two – as well as the other employees – would simply tell her that he does not come to work every August 19 and that only Selene can give an answer to your question. Yildiz will obviously ask of the former, but will refuse to satisfy her curiosity …

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Love is in the air, news: Ida is making a mess!

So watch out for Eda’s countless crap: Due to Serkan’s absence from work, the protagonist will in fact prepare a major Art Life agent to fix a house in just twenty-four hours: a ridiculous request, which will arrive when the man admits it has hired the singer the love (Sefkan left) for the birthday of his wife, who has long been suffering from a myoma.

The fact is that Ida will allow herself to have pity on the bad story and accept the task, even if she has to fulfill a list of 120 useful requests for the repair of the aforementioned house. This would have Serkan go on a rampage when, all of a sudden, he arrives at the studio and finds out, preventing the staff from helping Eda!

Love is in the air, spoiler: Serkan confesses to Ida with a sad secret

All of this, then, what effects does it have?

At the end of a busy day, Serkan will agree to help Eda only when she realizes that she has agreed to take on a mission that is not up to her ability, let alone Art Life. Since they will be staying home alone all night, the atmosphere between the two will become a secret and Polat will agree to answer Ida when she asks him why he doesn’t go to work every August 19.

Through dialogue, it will be revealed that Serkan had an older brother who believed he died several years ago now. With tears in his eyes, Polat will tell Ida that every year, on the same date, he isolates himself to go and play the little guitar that his relative gave him.

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In short, slowly, Eda will enter and lower the defenses of Serkan, who will behave less and less like a “robot” towards him … to stay updated on the matter, Follow us on Google News by going to this page and clicking on the “star” button.


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