Saturday, July 27, 2024

Selena Gomez to Draghi, Together to Defeat the Pandemic – The Last Hour


(ANSA) – ROME, April 25 – “Do you want to help end the epidemic once and for all? Help me ask leaders like Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi to donate additional doses of the Covid 19 vaccine to people in need. Palazzo Chigi, can we count on you? “ This is the plea made by actress and young pop star Selena Gomez, on Twitter to the Italian prime minister but also to other European leaders, from European Commission President Ursula from Von der Leyen to Pedro Sanchez, Emmanuel Macron and the other leaders of the Group of Seven ” to allocate dollars Or doses to help the needy in the world. “

“If we work together we can end the epidemic,” he wrote again because, according to the former Disney star, “only with vaccine everywhere and for everyone” we can win this battle. Therefore, he invites everyone to write to the heads of state. Her speech sparked a massive debate on social media, which put Selena Gomez at the top of today’s trends. (handle).

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