Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rescue, “green light from Europe”: Tracy collects first green light for recovery and recession program


The commitment to extend Superbanus has been documented The commitment to extend the Super Bonus by 110% is recorded in black and white. “Making a commitment to the extension is important not only for the will of the 5 star movement, but also for businesses and citizens to be committed to the widely demanded metrics as a machine for environmental change,” the M5s delegation underlined, Stefano Paduanelli.

The phone call between Drake and Van der Lane opens up obstacles The plan has been stalled throughout the day amid tensions between the parties in Superbanese and the Brussels offices: the prime minister is intervening directly in an effort to “block the blockade”, with Van der Leyne in a phone call with commission chairman Ursula confirming the basis for the investment and, above all, the implementation of reforms to reform.

But we are still operating on “margin” aspectsHowever, Brussels announces that “refinements” on tax and business environment documents are still needed. The “partial” aspects of the discussion will be explained to the ministers by the Prime Minister after he apologizes for the delay in starting the meeting. The Council of Ministers officially convenes at 10 a.m. Saturday before the Prime Minister explains it in the Chambers on Monday and Tuesday: the draft of the text, more than 300 pages describing Italy in 5 years, greener and more digital, needs more twist.

Tax Representatives Act by July 31st Then there are the informal talks with Brussels, which expects an official document by April 30 and wants more details on the reforms. No one wants to be rejected, so it is a good idea to check every chapter and include details such as commitments to submit proxies to tax authorities by 20 July 2021, starting with the work of committees in parliament.

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Full body and organic set of investments and reforms Reading the press release issued at the end of the CDM, PNR offers a substantial and organic package of investments and reforms aimed at modernizing public administration, strengthening the mode of production and intensifying efforts to combat poverty and society. And imbalances, resuming the path of sustainable and sustainable economic growth by removing barriers to Italian growth in recent decades.

The project is divided into six tasks and meets EU parameters It is divided into six tasks (digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture; green revolution and environmental change; infrastructure for sustainable movement; education and research; inclusion and synchronization; health). The project is fully compliant with the six pillars of the NGEU and meets the parameters set by European regulations, with the share of “green” projects equivalent to 40% of the total and 27% of digital projects.

About 82 billion in the south, 40% funding Approximately 40% (equivalent to about 82 82 billion) of regionalizable resources has been earmarked in the South, reflecting the focus on the issue of regional restructuring. The program strongly supports gender reassignment and supports the education, training and employment of young people and contributes to each of the EU’s seven flagship programs (EU primary) on its annual strategy for sustainable development. Indirect environmental impacts have been assessed and quantified in accordance with the policies promoting Ngeu.

PA reforms, justice, simplification and competition The government wants to implement four key situational reforms: public administration, justice, simplification of law and promotion of competition. Planned investments will have a significant impact on key economic variables and will significantly improve indicators of regional gaps, youth and female employment. The reform agenda may further increase this impact.

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Focus on the environment and sustainability as well Furthermore, within the framework of a broad and ambitious modernization policy in the country, the Government seeks to renew and complement national strategies in terms of sustainable development and mobility, environment and climate, hydrogen, automotive and health supply chain.


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