Saturday, July 27, 2024

Puerto Torres, Night for Hooligans: Don Sana's gymnasium and school were destroyed


Night raids by vandals, gangs of hooligans who repeatedly destroyed the “Don Antonio Sana” middle school in Puerto Torres, damaging the gymnasium used by volleyball clubs.

They destroyed everything: furniture, furnishings, chalkboards, bathroom fixtures. They were all filmed and posted on social media by the thugs themselves. They took advantage of the closure of the school, which was the subject of a demolition and reconstruction project that had not yet begun, thanks to a loan worth 7 million euros. In recent days, groups of children entered the school through a window, left it unwisely open, and smashed everything in their path, including windows, secretariat furniture, computers, desks and chairs that were violently thrown into the room. From the hall. They even set fire to the hallways, burned educational materials, and tried to set fire to the seats in the music room.

During the night between last Saturday and Sunday, they also broke into the gym used by the Porto Torres Volleyball Club. “They forced the chains in the front door, turned everything upside down, destroyed everything, broke the bathroom sinks, damaged the balls,” said Gianella Desi, the volleyball team's coach. At the school, the occupation forces emptied all the fire extinguishers, and the rooms and the first and second floors of the building were contaminated with dust, which led to the destruction of furniture, desks, chairs, desks and furniture. Then graffiti and the contents of the cupboards were scattered on the floor.” Gianella Desi did not hesitate to report the serious incident to the Porto Torres police, who, as soon as the initial inspection had been carried out, began investigations to arrest the perpetrators. They would already have a face and a name.

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A devastating act condemned by education consultant Simona Voyce: “We strongly condemn similar behaviors and at the same time ask ourselves questions about their perpetrators and the motives that may have led them to disrespect the assets of the community in which they may feel sufficiently integral. From this standpoint, we are trying to do our part to build meeting opportunities and socialization places capable of enhancing the role of young people as an active part of society, to avoid such hostile situations as much as possible.

The gym was cleaned by the same members of the volleyball club. They did not hesitate to roll up their sleeves to resume activities and ensure continuity of training.

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