Saturday, July 27, 2024

priority in combating unemployment.


Rimini, January 22, 2023 – Il the cold and the Heavy rain Never cease to honor Rimini new bishop. Hundreds of people attended the ceremony this afternoon in Place Cavour Composition of Monsignor Niccolo Anselmi62 years old, born and raised in Genoa, takes the place of Bishop Emeritus Mgr. Francesco Lampasiretired و.

on the stage , mayor For Rimini, Jamil Sadigolvad, Ben Genovese, Pietro Picocchi, and governor To Rimini’s Rosa Maria of Padua, Archbishop of Genoa Monsignor Marco Tasca, who joked about Anselmi to the people of Rimini: “We sent him to you. Well and good…”.

Then Lambiasi saluted his successor: “God sent us this strange weather today to make us feel contradictory The warmth of our welcome to Nicholas.

Finally it was the turn of the new bishop. Anselmi has already fixed one of his own Objectives In Rimini: “I learned that in Genoa The unemployment It’s a tragedy. In Rimini I will work hard so that everyone has their place in society. ” Before the procession in the cathedral, where Solemn Mass, a nice curtain between the new bishop and the mayor. We know she loves to ride. We give her a bikeSadigolvad smiled as he handed Anselmi a new bike in red and white (Rimini’s colours).

“Thanks, but in Genoa when I left They gave me a car… “, joked the new bishop. Then he went into the cathedral arm in arm with Lampasi. The cathedral was packed for Mass for the new bishop, who thanked the people of Rimini several times from the altar and made an appeal to unity, allo Stay togetherfor the benefit of the whole community.

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