Saturday, July 27, 2024

Political polls show the Democratic Party growing to 20%. Cala FdI: Eight points gap between Meloni and Schlein


Round no. SWG polls for Democrat La7 grow to 20%, gaining 0.5%. On the other hand, Italy's brothers are falling, with the prime minister's party falling, losing from 0.4% to 28.1%. Eight points now separate them. The story in the background Ilaria ChallisIn February 2022, the Italian activist was imprisoned in Budapest for a year and a half. Accusation For beating up some neo-Nazis who had come to town to celebrate “Day of Honor”. Shocking images of him handcuffed and chained in a Hungarian court have become a case, even a political one.

Meloney remained silent for several days. Not a word about those photos that caused outrage. Later to comment from Brussels: Ilaria Salis' chains are “images that affect us” but “this is not the treatment reserved for this prisoner, it happens in many Western states. This is not our practice, but how it works in many sovereign states. As in Italy, in Budapest, the autonomy of judges exists”. The prime minister later met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Brussels, a face-to-face meeting after tense days in which Budapest reiterated the reasons for the arrest. He insisted on a tough line.

The league launched an attack on the Challis case with an episode six years ago. “In 2017, an activist attacked one of our gazebos in Monza,” a story later denied by Sallis' lawyer. Eugenio Losco: “She was acquitted of no crime.” Even the party Matteo Salvini SWG suffered a slight decline from the survey: now at 8.5%, i.e. -0.2% compared to the previous week. M5S Standard 15.9% and Action 4.3%.

See also  Ida, Meloni's Veto Comes to Talks: Will It Happen Again in 2008?

Other parties fell slightly, namely Italia Viva 3.1% (-0.2%) and +Europa 2.4% (-0.1%), while Italexit Italy and other smaller parties gained.


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