Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pnrr, OK with confidence in the Senate. “It's a win” for Minister Fito – Il Tempo


Final OK, subject to Senate approval, to replace Order Four attached to the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR). After the first round of the chamber, especially the highly contested amendment of the Brothers of Italy, which opened pro-life associations to clinics, the government presented the question of faith to the Senate, locking the final text. As Rafael Fito, Minister of European Affairs and Implementation of the Pnrr, explained, “the possibility of acceleration and simplification and intervenes in Article 2, which requires the responsibility of the implementing bodies to be faithful to the period. Foretold in the forecasts of the objectives”. Responding to criticism from the opposition, Fito said, “The revision of the Pnrr was implemented after a long discussion with the European Commission, we did not make an autonomous choice, but based on serious work. It is impossible to talk about the title of the Pnrr with a list of errors: the image of the country depends on the success of the Pnrr or others, and “paying the fifth installment A major success will mark the implementation of the sixth objective, which we should complete by June.”

The most useful criticism came from Matteo Renzi, who, in the vote explanation, spoke of the “brand factory”, citing Renato Brunetta's “constant hiring” in the Ministry of Finance and Food Sovereignty for CNEL: “And enough is the rhetoric of money, it is normal that the Pnrr installments come in a contract, and they Not the 200 billion received from Europe: they are borrowed money from our children. The decree aims to implement more measures to stimulate economic growth and facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable and digital economy One of the objectives is to invest significantly in the modernization of public digital services, with the aim of simplifying bureaucratic procedures and improving the efficiency of services provided to citizens and businesses. This push towards digitization will encourage the adoption of innovative technologies by Italian businesses, increasing the country's competitiveness globally. Green transition is another fundamental pillar of PNRR. Large investments are expected in energy efficiency projects in public and private buildings, the development of renewable energy and the promotion of sustainable mobility. These measures will not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, but will also create new economic opportunities in clean energy and environmental innovation.

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Vocational education and training are considered key components to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The decree therefore provides investments to strengthen the Italian education system, promote professional training in high-tech fields, and support scientific research and innovation. These efforts aim to prepare the Italian workforce for the challenges and opportunities of the future, while encouraging the creation of new skilled jobs, subject to several changes, including the 9 amendments presented by the government during the first reading of the chamber. These amendments concern various sectors, from simplifying procedures for becoming tourist guides to digitizing public services and bridging the digital divide without creating new costs for the state. These targeted interventions highlight the government's commitment to effectively implement the PNRR, address current challenges, and aim for economic growth and sustainability.


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