Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pneumonia in children is also increasing in France –


Cases of pneumonia in children are also increasing in France. Just days after the alert arrived from China, emergency rooms across the Alps became overwhelmed with young patients, especially those between zero and two years old, with Extreme fatigue, fever, and persistent, deep cough. The culprit for the pneumonia is Mycoplasma pneumoniae (a widespread bacterium that causes respiratory infections, especially in childhood), which is also implicated in the situation in China. The surge in cases in France is evident from the emergency room bulletin relating to the past few weeks: In the 0-2 age group, access increased by 44%, “only” by 23% in the 2-14 age group.. Overall, pediatric care activity doubled compared to the same period last year and the previous period.

“No alarm”

Fabrizio BrigliascoThe virologist at Milan State University confirms that the increase in cases does not represent a warning, but that “attention at the institutional, national and international levels” is necessary. «Systematic monitoring is needed – He adds -. Covid has helped strengthen these systems. Let’s maintain high levels so as not to be unprepared.” The phenomenon in France, the virologist continues «It may have the same cause as pneumonia in children in China. Mycoplasma is a bacteria with special properties, and returning to community life, without the restrictions that the pandemic has forced us on, carries with it some risks. Furthermore, we are in a period of increased circulation of these microorganisms.”

Already known pathogens

In recent days, after a request for official information fromGlobal Health OrganizationChinese health authorities said the pneumonia cases were due to known pathogens: Influenza virus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, bacteria. Thus, the hypothesis of a new pathogen will be avoided, as happened at the beginning of 2019 with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. “I hope that China will tell the whole truth in the most transparent way regarding the increase in cases of pneumonia in children, because the suspicion still remains that they were slow to respond to Covid,” Brigliasco comments. Even in Italy, there was an increase in cases, especially among children, last year and two years ago (With several epidemics of bronchiolitis). “It took longer to emerge from emergency measures against the epidemic in China, and the reopening occurred later, so what is happening may be understandable.”

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Cases in Vietnam

Vietnam is also facing Increase in respiratory diseases Compared to numbers recorded in the past at the same time of the year. However, the peak has already been reached and cases will decline. Many doctors note that cough is not the only symptom and recommend that parents also watch for headache, runny nose, lethargy (fatigue and pathological exhaustion), and accelerated respiratory rate.


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