Saturday, July 27, 2024

Phone calls from Rome and Sherpas in the US. The Italian G7 started


In recent days, Minister Tajani has heard from his colleagues at the forum (only German Berbach was missing) after the presidency began in Rome. Ambassador Ferrari is in Washington and Palazzo is handling documents in Sigi

“Our main objective is to strengthen the G7's role as a factor of stability capable of responding to serious international crises,” he declared. Antonio Tajani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, addresses Question Time in the House. He further explained that “we are working for a two-people, two-state solution” for the Middle East and “we affirm the G7's strong and united support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.” “Kiev must continue to believe in our commitment to a just and lasting peace, even with a view to reconstruction,” he added. Then recalling the priorities of the Italian agenda (such as Africa and migration, artificial intelligence and the Indo-Pacific), Tajani underlined that Italy, during its presidency of the G7, will support businesses by promoting their access to international markets. Creating fairer competitive conditions and more flexible, transparent and secure supply chains to reduce dependencies in strategic sectors and commodities.”

In these first days of the Italian presidency of the forum, the minister is busy with phone conversations with his colleagues. A few hours before question time in the chamber, in fact, he heard from the Japanese representative, Yoko Kamikawa, continues to prioritize Indo-Pacific challenges to address the Italian president's directives of the G7 and key crises from Ukraine to the Middle East. On Monday, the foreign minister spoke to his counterparts from the UK and France respectively Lord David Cameron e Catherine Colonna. with a Canadian companion last Thursday Melanie Jolie. Negotiations with their counterparts began on Tuesday with the American Anthony Blinken. The “deep friendship” linking Rome and Washington “will allow us to unite with other G7 partners in concrete actions that will benefit all,” read Fornesina's memo, released after a phone call with the US secretary of state. Only German is missing Annalena Baerbach.

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The ambassador is on a trip to the US these days Luca FerrariPrime Minister's G7 and G20 Sherpa, Georgia Meloney. The diplomat's agenda includes meetings with the National Security Council, the State Department and Washington-based international economic institutions. In yesterday's meetings, even with James O'Brien, Assistant Secretary For Europe and Eurasia, attended a dinner in honor of the Italian President of the G7 at Villa Firenze, the residence of the Italian Ambassador in Washington.


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