Friday, July 26, 2024

How they change the photo of the year book – Libero Codydino


A confusing case, it comes straight from the heart United States, Is a high school Edited 80 pictures from the school yearbook Without the permission of interested parties. The reason? They wanted to censor what they felt. “Does not comply with the dress code“. The whole thing happened Florida, Alla Bartram Trail High School, Students and parents condemn anger at the company’s initiative.

“I think it sends the message that our women should be ashamed of their growing bodies, and I think that’s it A terrible message to send to these little girls Who is facing change, ”he comments Adrian Bartlett, Mother of one of the “recovered” students, al Registration. To understand each other, the daughter’s photo has been changed Adding clothes It covered her chest and shoulders. Materials from the Middle Ages.

Recoveries are, incidentally, low quality, transparent, and complex. “I have a black pattern on my chest And like the cardigan on the side was changed, it’s so bad, I’m so confused, “he added. Riley O’Keefe, A newcomer, was contacted News 4 Jokes.

For its part, the school explains that it has set aside the opportunity to retrieve images from the yearbook. “Views out of order“A district spokesman pointed out,“ Dress code guidelines are in our student code of conduct, but dress code enforcement It occurs at the school level and varies from administration to administration“.

The yearbook in question, incidentally, was then Sold for $ 100 For a copy. Already last spring there was talk of a dress code imposed by the same company: parents revolted against the administration, arguing that the code was a punishment against girls.

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