Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pain in Gurley, Don Luigi Gherardi died


“As the Bible says, there is a time to walk and a time to stop. As I walked through the city streets, I felt like a father to the sheep that were entrusted to me. I have to say thank you very much to many people, but I will never finish, but I promise to carry them in my priestly heart and in my prayers. These were the words of Don Luigi Gherardi last September, when he welcomed the community on the eve of his retirement after reaching the minimum age. He was born on May 14, 1948 in LeviAfter his priestly ordination, Don Gherardi was parish assistant of Gorlago (1973-1982), then of San Paolo in Citta (1982-1987) and Ruta Imagna (1987-1997), then parish priest of Paladina (1997-2013) from 2013 by Gurley.

The church was packed with people, including the mayor, Giovanni Testa. “A new path opens in Don Luigi’s life,” said the member of the Pastoral Council. Although she is new, she will walk this path with Jesus Christ and Mary. We say thank you to the Lord for the generous service He provided.”

In the sermon, Don Girardi recalled his entry into the Shrine of the Black Madonna in October 2013.. “It was my first day with you. I have always tried to listen to all people, even those far from the Church, and see the positive side of them. “I loved the blessing of the houses very much, even if there was not enough time.” Then the memory of the terrible years of the epidemic. “I saw the church empty, and then its inhabitants were finally restored, even if it was not as it was before.”

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Don Girardi had been ill for years and spoke about his illness when he received the community. “I’ve always been close to patients, and have been for two years. I entrust my suffering to the Lord for the good of society.”

The funeral is on Wednesday

Don Gherardi’s body has been placed in the chapel of Gourley Church, and the funeral is scheduled for Wednesday morning, December 20, at 9.30 a.m.: it will be presided over by the Bishop, Msgr. Bishi.


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