Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ocean is full of Viking immigrants and is now targeting Italy


Ocean Viking had two functions, the shipOng French Sos Mediterranée, at the last hour. These are interventions included in both that have already been carried out over the weekend. The ship now has 129 Immigrants And approaching the Italian coast. The vehicle has been in Maltese waters for several days but seems to be heading straight for our country, as is often the case. To report that there have been the same activists in the last few hours Twitter A. have published Video A third rescue operation is scheduled for a few days. On Sunday evening, it happened when a wooden boat intercepted Ocean Viking 58 migrants.

Rescue operations

According to witnesses reported to NGO members, it will be people who have left the West Coast Libya At least two or three days ago. Their small boat crossed Libyan waters and began to suffer from problems. Due to its size and characteristics, the ship is unlikely to own Lampedusa or Sicily. The hijackers can expect the intervention of a large ship. The area was with the arrival of the Ocean Viking.

The 58 migrants rescued last night were joined by 58 others who were already aboard the Sos Mediterranée. The latter were intercepted by a French NGO in the previous two separate interventions.

Currently the Sea Viking is in Maltese waters but not far from Lampedusa. Immediate request for a safe port a Malta Oh all ‘Italy, But other interventions in the region are not excluded.

Migration pressure from Libya

After all, migration pressure from Libya is again very important. Last weekend was characterized by stable weather and a sea, which encouraged many smugglers to travel as many boats as possible off the Libyan coast.

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According to Sos Mediterranée, the other two ships were found off the Libyan coast, but were intercepted. Coast Guard Of Tripoli. Other boats may leave for Italy in the next few hours.

A pressure, displacement, which can have political consequences. With more than ten thousand new arrivals in Italian ports, August has been one of the most difficult to land in recent years. September gave a short break, but only due to bad sea conditions.

Now, With a total of 43,152 immigrants Landed from the beginning of the year (doubling compared to the same period of 2020), there will be controversy. League of Matteo Salvini He has repeatedly asked for a change of pace in recent weeks and has repeatedly called for the resignation of the home minister. Louisiana Lamorgis, According to the Northern League, did not prevent the landing from increasing.

As the departure from Libya increases, the internal conflicts of the majority in immigration will become one of the main topics of discussion, along with the activities of NGO ships.

New rescue operation at night

There is also a new intervention announced this morning, as evidence of the growing migration pressure of these hours. In particular, Sos Mediterranée said 13 people on a boat were rescued shortly after boarding. Among the immigrants was a man who was thrown out on a stretcher due to his health. “We are now looking at the Sea Vikings – Reads on Twitter – 129 people. “The intervention was repeated in Maltese SAR waters. It was initially rumored that the last 13 people aboard the ship were dead.

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