Saturday, July 27, 2024

No word from him since November 25


Osio Sotto (Bergamo) – It Roberta Cortesi has been found and is safe. 36 year old female Osio Soto (Pergamum), in which they were It has been derailed since last November 25 In Spain, A Malagadove She worked as a waitress.

Little information has filtered out this time: the woman is still fine and has been found in Andalusia. His Last contact with mother In Italy it entered at 12.20 pm on Saturday 25 November Finally on WhatsApp Say goodbye before going to work. And then the girl actually came to work, but then that was it vanished into thin air. Family members filed a complaint with the police, while they also took an interest in the search Interpol. Tonight, Monday, December 11, news of the discovery.

From what we learn, she was found Malaga In good condition. The woman from Osio Soto, the center of the central Bergamo plain, was discovered first In the company of a man with whom he stays at the latter’s parents’ house. It’s probably a A guy I met a while agoappeared in the context of Guardia Civil Investigation Iberian.

I breathed a sigh of relief Family members As the days went by, They feared the worst. And because Roberta, Went to Spain two years agoEra He was always in touch With family, with Mother Eliana and with Sister Alessandra. Roberta no longer has her mobile phone so she doesn’t contact them. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are still unclear. There are several points that need to be highlightedBut meanwhile Roberta is safe and, as her family feared, a victim of any crime.

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Era of 36 He went missing on the night between Saturday 25th November and Sunday 26th. She was supposed to go to work on Sunday, but she didn’t show up without even informing the owner of the place. From that moment it was vanished into thin air. Four days later, the family members presented themselves to the Carabinieri in Osseo Soto, and on November 30, they I filed a missing persons reportto do Interpol was therefore activated in contact with the Spanish police and the Italian embassy in Madrid. Meanwhile it is revealed that Roberta was there a few weeks ago Theft was reported at a supermarket Spanish.


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