Saturday, July 27, 2024

Negotiations, the Kremlin’s move: “A clear draft handed over to Kyiv: it’s their turn now”


The Kremlin announced that it had submitted its own draft agreement on negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. According to agency reports taxDmitry Peskov announced that the Ukrainian delegation had received a document: “It has been clearly formulated and is awaiting a response.” Now, the spokesperson claims Russian President Vladimir PutinThe ball is in Kyiv’s court. For days, the negotiations seemed to be in great crisis, as only the last speech on the matter was this morning, April 20, by the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, who Kyiv negotiators attacked which Moscow no longer trusts. Peskov repeated the accusations of the Foreign Ministry of conveying the thinking of the head of the Kremlin: “The president emphasized that the Ukrainian side constantly deviates from previously concluded agreements, departing from his words. This has very negative consequences in terms of the effectiveness of the negotiations. Currently, our draft document has been handed over to the Ukrainian side, and we are waiting for a response.” About the timing of the stalemate, Moscow does not guarantee and dump responsibility on Kyiv: “We have repeatedly said that the dynamics of the work of the Ukrainian side leave much to be desired, so the Ukrainians do not show much inclination to intensify the negotiation process,” Peskov repeated. A few hours later, the reply came from Kyiv: “Ukraine has received and is studying Russian proposals for negotiations between the two countries,” the head of the Presidential Office in Kyiv Mikhailo Podollyak reportedly said. Interfax. “Ukraine handed over its proposals on terms to opponents of the Istanbul negotiations. This relates in particular to security guarantees to prevent further attacks on our country in the future. The Russian side studied them and presented their position. Now it is up to us to study, compare and draw conclusions, both political and legal,”

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