Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nations League, Mancini: “Winning it would be great but it won’t be easy” | News


“Spain put us in more problems at Euro 2020. They are a strong team and good players. It will be a good match.”

Two days before the semi-finals of the fourth final of The League of Nations Against Spain, coach of Italy Roberto Mancini Select the target. “It would be great to win the Nations League right after the European Championship and qualify early for the World Cup, but it won’t be easy.He explained to the UEFA website. Spain was the team that put us in the most difficult Euro 2020. He is strong and has good players. It will be a good match“, he added.

“They are good at dribbling, while we did not have time to reach their levels, but this time it will be different – continued the Italian coach -. Usually the San Siro is full when the national team plays.” “It was great because we made so many people happy, young and old – he continued, describing his return to Italy after Wembley’s victory -. It was a celebration for everyone, probably because of the period we are in.” “The fans were excited and we were playing to entertain the people – he added -. The best things about the Euro? Maybe the relationship that was created in the team. The group worked together for 50 days and it’s not easy. It’s hard and tiring days, but there were no problems. It’s not easy. Get the chemistry and the passion.”

Speaking about the young talents of the national team, the former coach of City and Inter, noted that “Donnarumma started playing at a very young age and has great qualities.” “He is getting better year by year and wants to be considered the best goalkeeper in the world – he added -. We were very lucky to have him at Euro 2020.” “Church? I think Federico can grow more – continued -. He is improving in different aspects. He has good athletic and technical skills. He has to grow mentally and find stability.”

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“Every game is full of difficulties. When we play against weaker teams, it is difficult because they defend themselves – added Mancini – there is only one way to win.” “It’s not just about playing well. Of course, if we can win by playing well and putting in a show, that’s even better – and seal -. There are so many ways to win. The outlook on Italy has changed, but we can’t forget that Italy won four cups.” International. We are European champions and we have an important history.”


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