Saturday, July 27, 2024

NASA unveiled the X-59, an aircraft capable of crossing the sound barrier without making any noise


In NASA's plans, the X-59 should be used to collect data to report hypersonic flights also on civilian roads. This plane will be able to reach a speed of 1488 km/h.

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This time the design comes from the future. to'X-59 aircraft Which was revealed by NASA has a pointed shape, a cockpit It has been moved so far back that it is practically in the middle of the hull and above all it is capable Overcoming the sound barrier Without starting from the sonic boom. The goal is to make planes able to fly again Exceeding the speed of sound On civil roads.

I Disturbances resulting from sonic booms Hearing sounds when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound is one reason why aircraft capable of reaching these speeds are not used on commercial routes. The X-59, on the other hand, would be able to reach well beyond the speed of sound without generating such loud noise. NASA writes:

“For 50 years, the United States and other countries have banned flights of supersonic aircraft because of the disruption caused by the loud, startling sonic boom in the communities below. The X-59 is expected to fly at 1.4 times the speed of sound, or more than 1,488 km/h.” Its design, shape and technology will allow the aircraft to reach these speeds while generating a quieter sound.

Characteristics of X-59

currently X-59 It has just been submitted. The first scheduled flight must take place on End of 2024. This plane is long Its height is approximately 30 meters and 9 meters. Manufactured in collaboration with Lockheed Martinthe American giant that cooperates with the US government to supply defense vehicles and systems.

In the cockpit there is not even one Front panel. Pilots will not look directly at the sky they are facing. They will see everything thanks to A HD screen The images recorded by cameras placed outside the passenger cabin will be displayed. NASA's main goal with this project is to collect data to understand how to do this Make the sonic boom silent Also for other means.


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