Saturday, July 27, 2024

Multifunctional spaces, what they mean and how to exploit them


What are multifunctional spaces and how to best use them? At one time people thought of Multifunctional spaces As in places open to the public shared by a particular community to carry out different types of activities. After the pandemic, the term “multifunctional space” took on a different meaning, referring to the arrangement of furnishings in the rooms of the house.

How to take advantage of multifunctional spaces

modern industrial office
Photo by Shutterstock | Zastolsky Victor

One Multifunctional public space It is allowed to be used by a variety of subjects: artists, creators, mathematicians and academics. Think of the large room used as a gym by the dance troupe that could become a group for a short film shoot, or the venue for a conference or book presentation.

Likewise the bar that provides spaces forco-working office she is one from Multifunctional spaces Which has become more and more numerous in recent years.

But if you want to create one Multifunctional space In your home, you need to think about the possibility of using the same space for multiple purposes, so that they are very different from them.

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shutterstock photos | New Africa

Don’t be afraid of being bold because all you need is imagination to design New furnishing solutions Stay away from “traditional” things. Aiming at practicality and improving the quality of your home.

How? For example by furnishing a file fluid chamber with the gods design class To maintain proper privacy or Divide bookcases. And again, the office curtains For the smart workstation or home study nook.

if you want Furnishing an open space Try to use furniture that you can use in a practical and functional way. Yes to soft carpets to also take advantage of the space on the floor, yes to furniture with wheels that you can move in the space and take good care of the space.home lightingIt is necessary to make the environment more welcoming.

See also  Barco Carletti, remodeling begins to make way for new furnishings, toys and a multi-purpose field - Chronicles Ancona

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