Saturday, July 27, 2024

Migrants, MSF rescued 367 people waiting for safe haven. Pope Francis: “Let us all feel responsible”


behind – on the other side 300 people rescued at sea Which, now, is waiting to land on Earth. The new wave of arrivals immigrants They are fleeing their country and looking for a passage Europe By sea, trying to reach the coast of Sicily. . rescue a patrol boat Coastguard South Lampedusa They were taken to the island. While there are also 134 unaccompanied minors among the 172 rescued in recent days in middle of the mediterranean from Geo Barents from Doctors without borders: 60 of them are under 15 years old. Added to these are 166 men and 29 women who are waiting for a sign of a safe port for disembarkation: in all, there is on the boat 367 people, with sea conditions deteriorating gradually. Similarly, the internal political debate: while the Baba It once again expresses “the closeness of thousands of migrants and refugees in LibyaAl-Haq continued to attack the work of the Minister of the Interior. Luciana Lamorgese, asks again about resignation.

Meanwhile, the increasing number of arrivals to our country is also increasing the number of people being accommodated inLampedusa hot spot, in a way the first line of Italian hospitality on the Mediterranean route. widget and access 329 people Who’s inside at the moment: Yesterday there were two landings, one for 48 and one for 60 people including women and children, while hundreds of people are expected to arrive still on the rescue boats.

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Those who returned emphasized the need to do something immediately for the safety and respect of the human rights of migrants detained in those who have returned. same, duringAngelus prayer Sunday, the gods called “storage”, it is exactly Pope Francesco Who returned to the topic today with a tweet in which he directly addressed the people fleeing their countries: “I hear your cries and I pray for you. Let’s all feel responsible These brothers and sisters who have been the victims of this very dangerous situation for many years.” And in the morning the German President greeted, Frank Walter Steinmeier, to speak accurately about the “recent political developments within the country. Then we focused on issues of common interest, particularly the issue of migration and some international conflict situations, as well as on the importance of the multilateral commitment to search for a solution”, Holy See.

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