Saturday, July 27, 2024

Migrants in the Senate, Italy-Africa Summit. Meloni: “The Matty project starts at 5.5 billion”


“Europe supports our commitment”

According to Meloni, the presence of the heads of European institutions at the Italy-Africa summit “is an important signal because it confirms Europe's support for our commitment”. The Prime Minister thanked “Ursula, Charles and Roberta” for their participation, named Van der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Michael of the Council of the European Union and Metzola of the European Parliament.

Equal Partnerships

The entire government is involved in the summit: Matteo Salvini, Giancarlo Giorgetti and Adolfo Urso will talk to partners on the continent about economic and infrastructural cooperation; Tajani and Francesco Lollobrigida bring attention to food security; Gilberto Pichetto Fratin will address the topic of energy transformation, Giuseppe Valditara, Anna Maria Bernini and Gennaro Sangiuliano will discuss professional training and cultural development, Matteo Piantedosi and Guido Crosetto will address another important business in Italy, migrant flows and the fight against terrorism. . The idea is to abandon the “predatory approach” that characterized the European presence in Africa even in the last century and promote those equal partnerships.


Also 25 Heads of State and GovernmentFor the 11 foreign ministers, representatives of the African Union and various United Nations bodies, European leaders, namely the President of the Parliament Roberta Metzola, the President of the European Council Charles Michel and of course Ursula van der Leyen. , the president of the European Commission is slated for a new mandate in the legislature that will open in Brussels after the 8-9 June vote.

However, among the participants was not Nigeria, Africa's largest state, a fundamental player, especially in the West, tormented by the chaos in Niger, where “alliance with France to replace others” creates “anxieties” from the point. From the point of view of “geopolitical stability,” Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi explained.

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The existence of the European Union and the axis between Meloni and van der Leyen

As in Tunisia, in Lampedusa, the site of the floods that sometimes hit Emilia Romagna, the event has a strong political and symbolic value. Ursula van der Leyen (Announcing a “new era of cooperation” with the African Development Bank). It is a sign of an increasingly firm axis between the president of the European Commission and Meloni, who have developed a certain feeling in the documents especially related to immigration and cooperation with African countries. Heads of other EU institutions will also be there. And it “shows how important it is to include the Mattei project in a European strategy,” underlined Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani.


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