Saturday, July 27, 2024

Meteo Asia region – exceptional frost in Japan and Korea, furious snowfalls and temperatures down to -33 ° C «3B Meteo


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Meteo Asia region – exceptional frost in Japan and Korea, furious snowfalls and temperatures down to -33 ° C «3B Meteo
Frost and furious snowfall in the Far East

The Far East has been dealing with a severe frost in recent daysSo much so that the lowest temperature ever recorded was in China, namely in Jingtao where the mercury column dropped to -53°C. But why so cold? The reason is explained in this article by Francesco Nucera.

Korea and Japan are the main targets of the outage freeze. After China, Korea and Japan were affected by this icy flow of Siberian air. about the Japanese state There is an angry snowfall On the north and west coasts facing north due to a typical SEA-EFFECT-SNOW phenomenon (read below what it is). This time, however, the cold air is so overpowering that it brings snow even to some eastern and southern coastal stretches, thus facing the Pacific Ocean. Kyoto is whitewashed and even Hiroshima, while many prefectures have fallen Up to 75 cm of snow in 12 hours and only 93 cm in 24 hours. It broke all records for the lowest temperature in several locations. Numerous harassment and embarrassment and unfortunately there are victims too. In North Korea, it dropped to -33°C, while in South Korea it dropped to -25°C in the capital, Seoul.. Here instead of snow, sleet prevails, from north to south the temperature never exceeds -10°C, and traffic has sapped on several occasions. Complicating matters there are gusty winds that blow from the northern quarters, adding to the perceived coolness and causing storm surges with waves of up to 7 meters on the western coasts of Japan. Severe frost that will loosen its grip towards the end of the month while it will intensify in Canada/Northern United States due to the polar vortex.

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What is the effect of sea snow: The flow of very dry air masses with temperatures close to or below 0 °C over the warmer sea surface causes massive evaporation and thus significant transfer of moisture to the atmosphere. It therefore becomes unstable and results in heavy snowfall being pushed onto the exposed coasts.

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