Saturday, July 27, 2024

Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje 25 July 2021 / Waiting for God and the Deception of Satan


Devil’s deception

Expectation is growing among pilgrims and believers of Our Lady of Medjugorje all over the world for the words entrusted directly by the Queen of Peace to Marga the Wise: just a month ago, in a June 25 message, GOSPA confirmed The importance of conversion And praying in the dark live by these words.

«Children! My heart is happy because in all these years I see your love and openness to my calling. Today I invite you all: pray with me for peace and freedom because Satan is powerful and with his tricks he wants to take as many hearts as possible from my Mother Heart. So he decided that God would be fine on earth. Thank you for answering my call“: the Our Lady’s Message which goes on to suggest the free conversion to God the Creator who through Mary and his Son Jesus offers man the possibility to recognize his heavenly origin. Refuse to deceive Satan every day.

Towards the message of Our Lady Madjoji, today July 25 25

«Only by prayer, dear children, will your heart change and become better and more sensitive to the word of Godsaid: Our Lady of Medjugorje In the letter dated January 25, 1998, but with an impressive talking topic for our complex times in the midst of a pandemic, society has been divided over almost everything. Waiting for the new messageLike every 25th of the month since the appearance of the Queen of Peace with Insight Marja PavlovicIt is precisely the prayer and devotion of pilgrims who begin to return in great numbers to Medjugorje to represent A true sign of “faith” in a place that has been in the world’s spotlight for 40 years.

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«You have to experience the atmosphere of Medjugorje, that prayer and that liturgy. We must follow the path of the rosary and the path of the cross by ourselves, the story is not enough‘, beautifully explained toSIR Agency last July 19 the Archbishop Henrik Hauser, Pope’s Special Envoy to Medjugorje. to the one responsible for the care of the pilgrims who are still today in Medjugorje”Many people have truly converted deep in their hearts, there are many instances of career awakening, life changing. So the pandemic has changed nothing, except for the number of people present, as many people have been hindered in fulfilling their wish to go there in person.».

Madonna’s “Tag” in MedGeorg

He also visited in July in the places of Bosnian clairvoyants, and Cardinal Stanislav Dziwisz – Former Archbishop of Krakow and from 1966 to 2005 Personal Secretary to Karol Wojtyla John Paul II – emphasized how “Medjugorje is a place of prayer and conversion through prayerConfession and penance. The visions are not so important but the fact that this is a meeting place with the Mother of GodThe net path of recognition of the presence of the Virgin in Medjugorje at the present time is “hanging” in the Vatican waiting for the end of the apparitions and continuous messages of visions for 40 years, It is not “supernatural things” that attract people to the Bosnian villageAs Bishop Hauser recounts:Together we pray the rosary, celebrate the Eucharist, and then give people daily bread, which the Church has been doing for thousands of years. After the Eucharist, a healing prayer is often said. Nothing in particular. Many pilgrims in Medjugorje rediscover the cult of the Eucharist at the end of which people usually applaud. And This applause somehow became a sign of Medjugorje. Often in the West, due to increased secularization, churches are like a spiritual desert. It’s different in Medjugorje. It is for this very reason that I invite everyone to come here».

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