Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Meloni, check for other conflicts of interest in government” –


“I am finishing writing my resignation letter and will send it to Georgia Meloney soon, thank you for being so sensitive and respectful.” Vittorio Scurbi, interview White area At Rete 4, at the end of an eventful Sunday, he seems to be calling an end to his government experience. A radical course correction, because the art critic unleashed a storm within a storm: « Resignation? I have only declared them: My torment shall be long.”

Antitrust worked for 4 months on the “Sgarbi dossier”, and in the end, the “punishment” was severe, as 17 positions were given at once: Scurby is incompatible with a government role because he violates the Fratini Act on conflict of interest. After reading 60 pages of protest, Most of the members breathed a sigh of relief: “At least we're out of this fight”, It is thought collected in closed notebooks. It is unclear whether the moves Sgarbi has made so far are improvised or part of a considered strategy. Indeed, now, despite reiterating his farewell, the art critic has launched a counter-offensive. First he provoked the countenance, then he sent to the Palazzo Sigi, With a cover letter from the Ministry of Culture, he challenged Prime Minister Maloney in a battle letter: “If the government had encouraged an inquiry into the hands of one of its ministers (I repeat: one of its ministers) conflict of interest within the government (based on the anonymous letter of several perpetrators), the inquiry would have been conducted with the same criteria as all the others. I am right to ask against the Foundation to extend it to corporations”. Words that ring louder than a wink: Be careful, if we interrogate anyone else in the government, who knows what we'll find…

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Sgarbi's counterattack, which yesterday announced an appeal against antitrust to the TAR, is therefore becoming political and judicial. But the challenge promises to be more complex. Sgarbi absolutely needs political credibility, however, not being elected as a member of parliament, which he would lose by resigning as deputy secretary. Moreover, in this battle of his, he has not received particular solidarity from the center-right, and he can no longer rely on his best supporter, Silvio Berlusconi.


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