Saturday, July 27, 2024

Medical orders unable to terminate their ‘banned’ members


In recent months, many health care companies they started To suspend unvaccinated health workers, as expected Law Introduced at the beginning of April compulsory vaccination for doctors, nurses and all other professionals working in the health sector. The suspension, however, would not be followed by subsequent radiations from the provincial orders. This was stated by Filippo Agnelli, President of the National Federation of Medical Orders (FNOMCEO).

in a Interview In the HuffPostAbout 1,500 doctors have yet to be vaccinated, Rings said. Not everyone should be considered “non-corrupt” – 30 percent of the unvaccinated have booked after reports sent out by health firms – but according to Aneli, there will be a remaining share of the “unvaccinated” doctors he defines as “difficult and ‘pure” which estimates what Between 0.1 and 0.2 percent of the total number of doctors.They will be them, the doctors that orders cannot dismiss.

The absurdity that we cannot get rid of them, not even those who promote anti-vaccine propaganda. We many of these doctors are also trying to ban them, but they appeal the sentence and the sentence is suspended, never taking effect.

The problem seems to be bureaucracy. Agnelli explains that the doctors’ call and possible subsequent radiation must be examined by the Central Committee of Health Professions, a body with special competence established in the Ministry of Health, whose members are appointed by decree of the Prime Minister. However, the commission expired in 2020. Agnelli explained that the ordering union tried to “pressure both the Minister of Health Esperanza and the Minister of Justice Cartapia” to demand its renewal: at the moment it has not received any answers. .

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