Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mayor of Rome, Mickey (on ticket with Matton) center-right candidate. Milan Junction


A ticket to Rome, Is strongly supported by mayoral candidate Enrico Michetti Georgia Meloni, and the preferred deputy Simonetta Madonna by Phi and Leca. Closing the game for center-right capital by making a decision during a summit that has a second moment next Wednesday, when the knots of Bologna and Milan’s most complex one must be resolved. For the candidate who will be challenged under Madonna Giuseppe Salah, the verification that Matteo Salvini has said he will do with one of the candidates mentioned in recent days is: “He will dissolve the presence by Sunday”. Calabria’s name will be announced on Saturday.

Mayor of Rome, who is Enrico Michetti, the center-right candidate

Names for cities

All leaders have decided to drop the consensus decision-making plan of all city candidates in order to avoid continuing to paint the image of a divided center-right that could damage even the reaction of the coalition proposed by Salvini. After all, the knot for Turin had already been untied, with the names of Paulo Tamilano, today known as Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajoni, Georgia Meloni, Marricio Lupi (NC), Guidano Guacliarello (Dare Italy) and Antonio Di (daredevil). Instead, the other plan agreed upon so far was followed, who would nominate the candidate in each city, and the method of Rome FD. Here is Enrico Mickeyti, presented by Georgia Meloni. ட் Kabat Mundi is thankful in the hope that the capital will return to the city.

Pushed by Matton Fi

With him, on the ticket, was Magistrate Simonetta Madonna, Phi and above all Matteo Salvini. Georgia Meloni underscored the “extraordinary professionalism” of the two candidates, but their “ability to communicate empathetically with citizens”; Mickey is better known in the city as a local broadcaster’s hot columnist than actually an executive lawyer. Salvini is proposing that instead citizens “not just a mayor, but a committee” that will require “a hundred people” including candidates in municipalities, where the League will present its own sentiment for the first time emotionally.: Candidates The party will advance its claims via Bellerio on mini-mayors and councilors. The balance of the alliance is up to the league to nominate a candidate in Milan, and the summit ended in yellow in the Lombard capital.

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Kobasir, Adolfo Urso (FD Senator) New President. Elected without the votes of the League

Civil candidate

It is said to target a civilian candidate, and this Salvini made it clear that he would dissolve “one-person” reserves by Sunday, without announcing which of the various names surveyed (Raqqa, Rukieri, Russia or Oscar de Montgny, climbing in the last days). However, getting help from a politician is not excluded, and the first on the list in this case would be Marricio Lupi, and from the point of view of the center’s federation. This Salvini spoke again, but again avoiding a firm tone: like my habit I propose, I never impose. Appreciated attitude by Giorgio Italia, who immediately withdrew from the project: Giovanni Dodi and Oswaldo Napoli both said they were ready to “discuss” rather than “urgency”.

The situation in Calabria – In Bologna, which is “owned” by Pike, two citizens, Fabio Pattistini and Roberto Mugavero, are polarized: Bologna’s “Assouri” managers have asked for a few days to decide, and there is a center-left waiting for the prime minister, who has not yet indicated his candidate, and has decided to accept the territory’s request above. Finally Calabria. Here is the sign of Aiol Chandelli’s candidate as far as Forza Italia, and the announcement will be made on Saturday, said Antonio Tajani. Roe did not want to comment on the blindness given by Firo team leader Roberto Ociudo as a candidate in the Chamber of Commons.



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