Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lucifer, the anti-rotation African arrives! It will be the strongest heat wave in the summer. Temperature at 47°C


Temperature: The hottest summer heat wave arrives

What can be defined as coming wave more intense heat summer with tips from temperature locally higher than 45 degrees Celsius.

Even the latest updates you just received leave no way out and confirm the arrival strong wave From the heat It will envelop our whole country day by day. Needless to say, that Responsible From this new return to the tremendous heat thereCalled the African countercyclone, not surprisingly. The devil.

For several years now, he’s been the one who has forced us to try really tough summer arcs on the climate front. hard times so l Lovers subordinate in the fresh air Who will have to be patient to find a more pleasant atmosphere. In fact, there will not only be temperature Occasionally exceptional to make this african fire maybe the More intense out of season, but he’ll think about it too the time Since at least until August 15, there are no indications of change.

Having made this necessary hypothesis, let’s see in more detail how the climatic situation will develop in the coming days.
to heat up In a gradual increase already with the first days of New week between Monday 9 NS Wednesday 11 The thermometers will rise degree by degree until they reach truly exaggerated peaks. The south and the two main islands will be under surveillance again. Think about some of the features Sicily Rather, you will rise to values 47/48°C. farther than 40°C also in Sardinia And on many sections the noon Enter Calabria and in Apulia. But thermometers will also rise well to centernorth Where, however, such high values ​​will not be reached even if the phenomenon of heat will make it difficult for us to live.

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Give Half a week but the continent And will be reflected. With an extraordinary maneuver, the African high pressure will divert its greatest energy towards areas centernorth. The game of strength will lose some points in the south while they will rise more pounds temperature Elsewhere.
In fact, over the weekend, the mercury columns will be able to rise 37-38°C In the interior of the center and even 38-39°C in some areas Val Badana As in the interior compartments ofEmilia.
So it will be a really hot weekend for many areas of the country even if, given the distance in the forecast, we advise you to follow the following updates for more confirmations.


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