Saturday, July 27, 2024

Living longer is possible, with the right exercise: the secret revealed by an expert, works even after the age of 40


If you want to live longer, you should follow these tips: They come straight from a movement expert.

Everyone wants to get into the best physical and mental condition as a senior, and to do that you need to take care of your body and health from the start. A very important aspect of physical health and youth is movement, given that Physical activity should be an integral part of every individual's daily life.

Here's how training is linked to longevity –

Lively arrived Silvano Zanusoexercise physiologist and scientific director of Technogym, and associate professor at Edith Cowan University in Perth (Australia), there are several studies that Linking longevity to physical activity and daily movement. In fact, you should engage in physical activity several times a week so that you can maintain strength and at the same time have better physical fitness even as you age.

Exercises for longevity: Here's what the expert recommends

First of all, it is mentioned that to improve a person's longevity and become healthier as an elderly person, one should do this Get physical activity daily and perform targeted exercises at least two or three times a weekEither aerobic or power. He also states that it is never too late to start and that you can go to the gym for the first time even when you are older or older.

The secret to living longer
Training is useful for any age –

Moreover, it states that Even at an advanced age, weight training can be performedIt is clear to adapt the type of physical activity so that all movements are performed safely and according to customized programs that vary according to age and physical performance.

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As for strength exercises, it is suggested to do them all Those that involve different muscle groups together, such as squats, bench presses and pulling exercises such as pull-downs. For a more technical and scientific aspect, Silvano also mentioned that there is Various scientific evidence explaining how physical activity helps you live longer.

Also interesting is the fact that physical exercise, especially strength training, improves insulin resistance, which is the basis of many diseases associated with aging. There is good evidence that cognitive impairment also improves with exercise“. Obviously, before starting physical activity, always ask your doctor for advice.


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