Saturday, July 27, 2024

LIFE OF PI / Suraj Sharma and the tiger reproduced by special effects (by Oscar)!


Great movie just finished on Rai 3″Hayat BayThe lead actor is Suraj Sharma. To find him, director Ang Lee tested thousands of boys, and chose the 17-year-old student, with spontaneity and a special personality. The young man had to learn to swim to get to the part, where he undergoes severe physical loss. He also had to follow A strict diet by first increasing his weight by more than 10 kg, and then gradually reducing it as the shooting continued. Of course, he did not find himself playing alongside a real tiger. Most of the scenes were created with Richard Parker, like those of many other animals, thanks to the influences Extraordinary Special: Movements are “drawn” using real-life samples. In 2013 Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron and Erik-Jan De Boer received an Academy Award and BAFTA for treating these effects in the best possible way (paraphrased by FD Zaza).

Jan Martel inspired the book “Max and the Cats”

Many are wondering if the movie “Hayat Bay“Inspired by a true story. The truth is that it is entirely a figment of Yan Martel’s imagination. If you really want to make a name, you can mention ‘Max and the Cats’ by Moacyr Scliar. In fact, the writer developed his idea after reading this book. The story tells a story.” A young man forced by the Nazis to flee to save his life, ends up on a sinking ship afterward, only to find himself trapped on a rubber dinghy with a zoo animal trapped in a dormitory..While Life of Pi is a completely fictional story, Ang Lee wanted to give the film As realistic as possible. So he used the advice of Stephen Callahan, who survived a shipwreck in 1981 for more than 70 days on a lifeboat. The director told him, “I would like to make the ocean a real person” (modification by F.D. Zaza).

Oscar and BAFTA Award, Claudio Miranda

the film”Hayat BayThe critically acclaimed film is a film adaptation of Yann Martel’s bestselling book of the same name. Played by the protagonist, Molitor Patel, simply named Bey, who through a series of flashbacks tells his stunning personal story of a writer searching for inspiration for a novel. The film won four Academy Awards, a Golden Globe and two BAFTA Awards.Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee in 2012, was a huge hit with both critics and audiences, grossing over $600 million on a budget of $120 million.Claudio Miranda won an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award for filming this movie The Chilean, a naturalized American, is of Italian descent.Miranda worked with David Fincher in 1995 as a shooting assistant at Seven.He held the same role on The Game and Fight Club, before becoming a cinematographer for Unit Two. In the Zodiac (modified by FD Zaza)

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Bay life, cash

Vita di Pi is “a visionary novel, cruel but gentle, that skillfully combines computer graphics with reality.” Emmanuel Sacchi comments the film on MyMovies this way, giving it three and a half stars and specifying: “Pi (Greek) as the rationality of science but also as a symbol of transcendence.” The symbolic side is certainly dominant in this film and manages to capture the attention of even the most attentive onlooker. Valerio Caprara on IlMattino enhances the film by specifying: “Ang Lee and 3D magical realism.” Shoot wisely, he is able to exceed his time and reach very interesting levels. Written in a clever way, it gives the audience everything a movie has to offer from entertainment to a very high authoritative moment. Vita di Pi is the movie we will be watching in prime time on Rai 3, click here To follow him in the live broadcast.

Vita di Pi, the movie Rai 3

he is photographing Hayat Bay It was born from the novel of the same name by writer Jan Martel, with skillful reinterpretations at various points while maintaining his belief in the plot of the work. The film succeeded in establishing itself at the box office with a total revenue of more than 600 million dollars, and received many awards that confirmed its success. At the 2013 Academy Awards, the film was honored for Best Directing, Best Cinematography, Best Score, and Best Special Effects. The movie is based on a famous novel by Jan Martel of the exact same title. In the cast we also find Italian Andrea Di Stefano who plays a priest and voiced by Roberto Dragiti. His debut came in 1995 with The Pagan Book of Arthur Rimbaud directed by Jay Ananya. On the small screen he made his debut four years later in Nicholas Mayer’s Revenge. He has also directed two films, Escobar from 2014 and The Informer Three Seconds to Survive from 2019.

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Vita DiPie, Ray 3 starring Gerard Depardieu

Hayat Bay will be broadcast Today Wednesday December 29th everyone 9.20 pm at Al Rai 3. We are in front of a drama and adventure movie that was produced in the USA in 2012. The movie was Directed and produced by Ang Lee. In collaboration with Gil Netter and David Womark. In the cast of the film we find Suraj Sharma, Irrvan Khan, Raf Spall, Gerard Depardieu, Tabu, Adil Hussain, Ayush Tandon and Andrea Di Stefano among others. In this extraordinary 3D film, photography curated by Claudio Miranda is also sure to be top notch, as well as editing directed by Tim Squyres.

Hayat Bey, plot of the movie: Beautiful tiger

The events of the first part of Hayat Bay It is set in India, the birthplace of the protagonist or little Pi. He was practically born inside a zoo owned by his father, and developed a great propensity for thinking and animals, coming to embrace up to 3 religions at the same time. However, the boy’s position does not find a full understanding on the father’s side who explains how embracing more religions is equal and does not even follow one.

Anyway, the young man continues on his spiritual pathDespite the fact that the situation around him was not entirely prosperous. Bey’s meditations begin to focus on some psychological aspects of animals. In particular, he is convinced that those in addition to people are endowed with spirit and feelings. However, it is the father who once again shows him the harsh reality. By attaching prey to the hive of a tiger named Richard Parker, he showed him how cruel it is to devour. Meanwhile, the family context is slowly disturbed by financial problems, which prompts the father to make a very painful decision; Leave for America and sell all the animals in the zoo. The whole family leaves with the monsters for the new continent With anesthetized animals to beat the long hours of travel.

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The early days of the voyage immediately highlight the difficulties of crossing, with some disagreements emerging with the crew. In particular, Bey’s mother sees that the crew’s cook refused a vegetarian dish, much to the chagrin of her husband. The fortunes of the voyage are greatly shaken by a sudden storm that causes the boat to crash, with the young man’s entire family unable to find a way to escape. Pi entrusts his survival to a small raft in rather perilous conditions, which he will have to share with the tiger Richard Parker. After the first obvious difficulties, the boy tries to train the animal to be able to continue his attempt to survive. Upon arriving on the island, they soon have to set off again for a terrible surprise.

Due to the amazing chemical effect, everything on that person becomes poisonous as soon as night falls, as evidenced by some of the human remains found by Pi. At this point, we are leaving for Mexico and after a journey of more than 250 days, they are both able to reach their destination. At this point the boy and animal tracks separate, as the tiger without special resistance escapes forever into the savannah while Pi is rescued by some people. In the hospital he has the opportunity to tell the insurance officials his sad story, which is not considered very credible. At that point, the boy tries to give the same version but replace the role of animals with the role of people, introducing his family and crew.

In any case, the accepted version is the one with the protagonist of the tiger novel, which Pi himself will decide to copy to create a real book. At this point, we move to the end of the story with a time jump that sees the boy now grown up and happily accompanied by a wife and two children.

Video short trailer for the movie “Vita da Pi”

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