Saturday, July 27, 2024

Launch of the experimental Italian capsule Mini Irene – Biotech


The Italian experimental capsule Mini Irene has been launched with technology that allows it to return to Earth. The test was carried out at the Swedish Esrange base in Kiruna, thanks to an agreement with the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC). Funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) General Support Technology programmes, the Mini Irene capsule was designed in Campania by the Italian Center for Space Research (Cira), in collaboration with Federico II University. Napoli and Ali Scarl Consortium, with Partners Lead Tech, Euro.soft, SRS Ed.

The capsule is evidence of an innovative thermal protection system for re-entry into the atmosphere. Once a maximum altitude of approximately 260 km is reached, the capsule will begin its descent phase with the release of its outer shell panels and the deployment of a parachute-style heat shield, which will allow a safe return to Earth and subsequent recovery.

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