Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kosovo, police impose temporary number plates on cars coming from Serbia: Tensions in the north


Protests on the border between Kosovo and SerbiaAfter the Kosovar authorities imposed the removal of Serbian number plates from cars entering the country. It should in fact be replaced by another, temporary and recognizable by initials RKS – Republic of Kosovo. It is valid for two months and costs five euros. So Pristina intends to apply an inverse law to a similar Serbian rule, which has already been in effect for years. On September 20, the Kosovo special police were sent to the border with armored vehicles, and tensions arose with Belgrade, which does not recognize Kosovo’s autonomy and considers the former territory’s borders “administrative”. Hundreds of cars blocked the road at the border crossing between the two countries Jarinje e BrnjakSmall groups of Serbs spent the night sleeping in tents, while others crossed the border on foot. Kosovo police fired tear gas at people in the street, but continued to block traffic. Kosovo Special Policered), about 350 militants supported by dozens of armored vehicles. In some cases, there were sporadic clashes with police who used tear gas.

Meanwhile, the premiere in Pristina Albin Corti The ambassadors of the so-called Quint group – the United States of America, France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy – met to inform them of the new procedures in place at the border. Kurti refers to The principle of reciprocitySpecifically to emphasize the equal position of Kosovo and Serbia in terms of independence, national sovereignty and state symbols. In fact, for some time, vehicles with a Kosovar (RKS) license plate entering Serbia had to coat a temporary license plate with Serbian abbreviations. Kurti argues that Serbia and Kosovo in the dialogue should speak on equal terms, as independent and sovereign states, and that the outcome of the dialogue should be mutual recognition. Positions that are still distant and do not suggest a quick time frame for an agreement to normalize relations, which is the goal of negotiations held since 2011 with the mediation of the European Union. Speaking on the sidelines of the meeting in Pristina with the ambassadors of the so-called “Quint” group, Kurti rejected Belgrade’s accusations of provocation, discrimination and the criminal act of sending hundreds of armed agents to the north with a Serb majority. “In this reciprocity on temporary license plates, either Kosovo and Serbia are right or both are wrong. Thus we will either keep their two plates or allow them to be removed either way.”

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BelgradeFor his part, he wants to leave Pristina It’s time to cancel the measures: “If they don’t want it, we will take retaliatory measures to defend Serbia” and the Serb population of Kosovo, the president said today. Aleksandar Vucic. Referring to the press from a session of the National Security Council headed by him, Vucic spoke of “criminal acts by the Pristina regime”, which caused hundreds of armed men to be injured in dozens of armored vehicles. He said that Serbia is ready to continue the dialogue facilitated by the European Union and work to maintain peace and stability in the region, but it is not in any way ready to accept decisions imposed by “unilateral criminal acts”. In this regard, Vucic said that he rejected a proposal for a compromise on the situation in northern Kosovo made by the “Quint” group of nations: a proposal, he noted, is unacceptable because, in his opinion, it is based on the politics of truth. He stressed that his rejection was shared by all members of the National Security Council. Serbia will ask the EU to say clearly within a month whether the agreement is so Brussels 2013 Between Belgrade and Pristina, it exists or it no longer exists, and Vucic said the silence of the EU would mean that this agreement no longer exists. The European Union is in fact the guarantor of the 2013 agreement, which regulated relations between the countries of the Balkans. The European Union is making itself heard Miroslav LajakSpecial Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: “It is important to reduce tensions, restore peaceful atmosphere and allow freedom of movement. We are ready to facilitate dialogue on all open issues. We consider any declaration equaling the responsibilities of Belgrade and Pristina inappropriate,” Vucic replied.

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