Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jessica Melina: age, height, origins, children and work


it really is, Jessica Melina there wife The great Italian football player Lazio striker, unmoved siro. A beautiful woman, today we will try to get acquainted with her in more detail. Let’s find out about his age, height, origins, what he does in life and something else about his kids too.

Jessica Melina: Age

Many know her as the wife of Ciro Immobile, a well-known striker in the Italian national team, but where was this beautiful woman born and how old is she?
Originally from the province of Chietiin Abruzzo, the woman was born in Boccianico on July 17, 1990, and therefore she is currently 32 years It is the zodiac sign of Cancer.

Jessica Melina: Height

Ciro’s wife is constant, as far as we know 1.65 cm.

Jessica Melina: Origins

We don’t know much about this woman, but what we have been given to know about her origins is that the father by Jessica Melina Kan Delivery manwhile the Mom a cook. So the woman grew up in a modest family, which taught her not to be arrogant and to always put the family first.

Jessica Melina: Children

We have already mentioned it many times, Jessica Melina is known to be the wife of Lazio striker Ciro Immobile. The two met between 2011 and 2012, just when the woman was a student at L’Aquila, while he was a campaigner at Pescara, and love immediately broke out. Ciro and Jessica then married on May 23, 2014 In the woman’s birthplace, in the San Camilo de Boccianico shrine.

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They were born from the love of this pair Three beautiful children: MichelaBorn in 2013. GeorgiaBorn 2015 Finally MattiaBorn in 2019.

Today this happy family lives in Rome, and they moved to this beautiful city already in 2017.

Jessica Melina: work

But what work does Ciro Immobile’s wife do? It sure is one Super MomBut let’s see what his dream was when he was young.

After graduation, the woman decided to enroll at the University of L’Aquila with the Faculty of Investigation, and what she actually wanted was to become a good criminologist. After he met Ciro Immobile, he decided to quit his studies to pursue love away.
However, the woman also participated in the Miss Mediterranean contest and in the Miss Peugeot contest in 2011, winning both. Well, there is nothing to be said! Today, in addition to being a wonderful mother, she is also an important figure influentialIn fact, it is very popular on social networks and deals with advertising of various beauty products.

Jessica Melina: Social Connections

Profile personly Jessica Melina Instagram he is:

page Jessica Melina Facebook he is:

Connection Jessica Melina Twitter Not Found.

the channel Jessica Melina tik tok he is:


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