Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jerry Scotty reveals: “They didn’t let me do anything!”


The TV presenter, in the past, boasted many different work experiences. But someone bothered him: talking Jerry Scotty

Jerry Scotty (YouTube)

alias Virginia, Jerry Scotty is a real pillar for TV entertainment. His career began in radio, like that of Fiorello and Amadeus: talent and hard work allowed him to land on television. as a TV host He has about 740 first nights to his credit and more than 8,200 episodes of programs on Mediaset Networks.

However, in his past, There was not only this work. At some point in his life, Jerry Scotty played an important role, but it turned out to be Failed on all fronts.

Jerry Scotty and the past in politics

Jerry Scotty
Jerry Scotty (YouTube)

In 1987, Jerry Scotti was nominated for Milan College In the House of Representatives in the ranks of PSIItalian Socialist Party. At that time, this party was led by Betino Craxi. Then Jerry Scotty was elected MP by 9,286 favours: this is the election round that sees Christian Democracy assert itself as the number one party. your expertise Expires in 1992 It has a little enthusiasm.

In the course of an interview with Il Messaggero and on several other occasions, Jerry Scotty admitted You don’t remember with pleasure those years. The leader describes the historical period as characterized by continuous impunity, with people who believed they were above the law: he He thought he could do something goodto discuss and organize, but immediately get brushed aside. “They didn’t force me to do anythingAnd when I tried to resign, they didn’t accept it. It wasn’t an exciting experience.” Confess without many words.

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Today, Jerry Scotty Still receiving the annual premium for that work experience. The host had already asked three prime ministers to make a rule under which any ex-politician could decide not to receive him anymore, but every attempt was unsuccessful. Faced with the obligation to receive this money, the tenant has decided to Give them annually to charitiesIt may help some students pay for their studies.

Today, Mosul seems to have Quietly put this experience aside Politics, powerful in the fact that any vivid story can teach something. Therefore, Jerry Scotty preferred to devote himself to a television career: a role that certainly gives him much more and above all, It gives him immense satisfaction Personal and work.


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