Saturday, July 27, 2024

“It’s terrible…”. Crebet reveals why the parents don’t see Duretta


Ended up behind bars at Montorio prison in Verona, Filippo Turetta He has yet to receive visitation from his parents, mother Elisabetta and father Nicola.

The meeting, scheduled a few days ago, was requested by the 21-year-old immediately after entering the prison doors, but it would have been canceled by the wishes of his relatives, who chose not to follow the lawyer Giovanni Caruso. Interview. Officially, the relinquishment would have been motivated by the need to prioritize psychological support for the young person and both parents.

This is an implausible thesis Paolo Crepet. A guest of the television program “In altre poarole” broadcast on the La7 channel, the psychiatrist expressed his opinion on the matter.

“Paolo, all Italy is asking for this”, Talk show host Massimo Gramellini begins,“Why do you think Filippo Turetta’s parents don’t want to visit their son in prison? We never expected that…”. “For an echo of Feelings of guiltIt’s terrible”Crebet answers without mincing words, “Perhaps you want to postpone a terrible question.”

“Is it you or someone else, or a question to oneself?”Emphasizes the TV show host. “What’s my fault? Well, because, if a son makes a mistake … Pasolini said, if a boy makes a mistake, it’s fifty percent the boy’s fault, and the remaining fifty percent is the father’s fault … Fathers, he is him, his fathers, because they trained him badly, “Great words… Bible words,” he said.The sociologist adds.

“I mean, it’s half nature and half nurture.”Considers Massimo Gramellini. “But of course, it’s our example. The example isn’t just ‘Do this,’ it’s ‘How are you? How much do you talk at dinner? But how much do you interrupt their silence? How good are you at something? Way against the grain?’Guest explains further. “A Teacher He is a provocateur and he cannot keep calmAs Paulo Crebet considers. “If there’s a guy who leaves the group, you go and hold the jacket for his own good. That’s what we have to do.”He concludes.

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