Overcoming the devastating Dublin Agreement remains a distant illusion and the Asylum and Migration Pact is half a push for our country. Meloni’s government is aiming, at least in part, for the 20-point action plan around the central Mediterranean announced by the EU Commission in November, but if Brussels continues to breed rats, make Melina or wink at NGOs, Italy will do that. acting alone. “Other than withdrawing the NGO decree. On the contrary, it must be strengthened because it is not just a matter of the 12,000 migrants who landed here, but the effect of the magnet – Undersecretary of the Interior Ministry Nicola Molteni told the magazine – and if the EU does not carry out the action plan, we will do like Spain with Morocco. February 9 and 10 deal with the issue of immigration and the government aims to obtain tangible results despite the pessimism of the Swedes who hold the presidency for the next six months.
The action plan announced by the Swedish Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, last November 25, is based on three pillars, at least two of which are necessary for the Meloni government. The first relates to “cooperation with partner countries and international organisations” and envisages the EU strengthening “the capacities of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to ensure better border and migration management”. Both the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantidossi, have managed to open the doors in Europe, but if nothing concrete and immediate emerges, they will have to fend for themselves. “With a fall of 105,000 in a year and 2,500 in the first five days of January, it is inevitable that the wave will be reversed – explains Molteni, a supporter of the Northern League – if the European Union does not do this, Italy will have to enter into agreements with Tunisia, Libya and Turkey to stem the increasing flows ( More than 55% of what it was in 2021, ed.) ».
It will not be easy to find money and impress foreign interlocutors. One of the hypotheses under study, with the support of UN agencies, is the creation of real hotspots in countries such as Tunisia, where 30,000 migrants left in 2022. In order to choose who has the right to enter Italy regularly and bring back the other.
The second pillar of the European Action Plan, which is close to our hearts, is the “more coordinated approach to search and rescue” at sea. Rome’s goal is to establish a European code of conduct for NGOs, which continues to dominate by appealing to the European Union to bury the Italian decree that has just entered into force. Brussels should promote “within the IMO” a discussion “about the need for a specific framework and guidelines for ships,” says the Italian government’s website, which relates to NGOs. Some countries, such as Germany and partly France, are deaf to NGO codes of conduct. “If nothing happens – notes the Undersecretary Molteni – we will strengthen the NGO decree, rather than withdraw it, and it will also be necessary to deal with other aspects of immigration policy.”
The third pillar, of the action plan, aims to “promote the implementation of the voluntary solidarity mechanism and the joint roadmap,” but it is leaking from all sides. The European Declaration of Solidarity agreed on June 22 provides for a voluntary, temporary mechanism for one year, to distribute migrants arriving by sea or to share costs. This is not good for Italy, which is always left with the match in hand and more than 100,000 immigrants behind.
“Coffee fan. Tv specialist. Social media aficionado. Zombie geek. Evil analyst. Web expert.”