Saturday, July 27, 2024

Italiana Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (29 July 2022)


The strong increases in both ENI and Enel are evident after the publication of the half-year results. However, too low for Leonardo

The main indicators of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets were confirmed in positive area In the last session of the week.

at 11.35 FTSEMib It rose 1.66% to 22.297 points, just below the intraday high of 22.319 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It rose 1.63%. plus sign for file FTSE Italia medium hat (+ 1.53%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (+1.22%).

The BTP-Bund spread More than 240 points have been confirmed.

The Bitcoin More than 24,000 dollars (about 23,500 euros) have been confirmed.

L ‘euro It returned to $1.02.

in the spotlight where are you (+ 5.07% to € 11,654), after the spread Financial results for the first half of 2022. Management reviewed the financial and operational indicators for the whole of 2022 and decided to improve shareholder remuneration by increasing the share purchase program for 2022 to 2.4 billion euros. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors of ENI decided to distribute to shareholders the first of the four tranches of dividends for 2023 (relating to 2022), at 0.22 euros per share (compared to a total annual dividend of 0, 88 euros).

In the He earns 3.14% to 4.944 euros, after the spread Financial results for the first half of 2022During this period, there was a strong increase in revenue and a decline in profitability. Debt is increasing. Enel management confirmed the 2022 financial goals and dividend policy.

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Definitely a bad day for Leonardo (-8.35% up to 9,066 euros). The airline informed me Financial results for the first half of 2022, a period that closed with revenue growth and improved profitability. In addition, the airline’s management confirmed the financial estimates for 2022.

In progress Paper Bank (+17% up to €1.3355). The agency assigned ratings to the institution for the first time, rating them all in the investment grade category. In particular, the issuer’s long-term rating and long-term deposit rating are rated at “BBB” and “BBB (high)” respectively. Trend across all ratings is “stable”. Moreover, as part of the takeover offer launched for Banca Carige, the bank announced that it has exceeded 90% of the capital of the Ligurian bank.

Positive intonation also for CNH Industrial (+1.81%) H Intesa San Paulo (+2.15%) Awaiting publication of half year results.


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