Saturday, July 27, 2024

Italian hacker group Mhackeroni has legally taken control of a US government satellite


An Italian hacker group has taken control of the satellite moon light to the US government. The company employs researchers and students of Italian universities, including Politecnico di Milano with many Congratulations via Twitter/X By Rector Donatella Sciuto. The Italian hackers, known as Mhackeroni, will not be prosecuted. The violation – however absurd it may seem to a non-expert – is completely legal and agreed with the US authorities. In short, the Pentagon knew it all and, to some extent, hoped for it. In addition, they will receive a $50,000 prize presented by the Department of Aerospace Defense and the US Air Force as winners of Def Con’s “Hack-A-Sat” computer competition.

The competition was held in Las Vegas and featured five groups of finalists Pirates, who qualified after a tough round of eliminations among hundreds of teams from around the world. In addition to the Italian Mhackeroni team that won the 2023 edition, we find the Poles “Poland can into Space” (second place), the Swiss “PFS” (third place), the Germans “Krautsat” and the Americans “SpaceBitsRUs”.

Satellites and ethical hacking

The US government has spared no expense. To test their security systems, and find any loopholes, they specially sent the Moonlighter satellite into orbit. As already explained above, there was no relevant criminal violation. This is ethical hacking, an activity in which experts locate and report vulnerabilities within a computer system.

The image is taken from the satellite

The competition started on Friday Aug 11thended in August 13th By publishing the photos taken by the three finalists from the satellite. Here it ispicture It was awarded to the Italian team Mhackeroni, also posted by the official Twitter/X account of the competition.

Greetings from the US authorities

Compliments also come from the US authorities themselves, as we can see from the official Twitter account of Space Force Where the picture of the winners is shared. Among those present we find an acquaintance Opens. This is the full professor at Politecnico di Milano Stephen Zaneroas well as one of the greatest cyber security experts in Italy.

Pasta and pineapple pizza ball

The Italian team won not only in skill, having managed to take control of a US government satellite, but also in sympathy. Via their official Twitter/X account, the boys posted Ridiculous video Where one of the team members, Qian Matteo Chen, eats and then spits out some canned noodles – usually American – but “bad”. In their online content they state the obvious I hate pineapple pizza.

Credits – The images in this article are from the official Mhackeroni and Hack-A-Sat accounts.

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