Saturday, July 27, 2024

“It seems like another variant.” This is what they are


In Italy, the virus has resumed its course. In yesterday’s bulletin, Thursday, April 7, the new positives in the 24 hours were 69,596. There are 150 victims, and there is a slight increase in the number of admissions to intensive care. Therefore, the increase in infections shows no sign of regression due to Omicron and the Omicron 2 subvariable.

But not only. In recent days, general practitioners have begun to reveal new symptoms Different from those that have appeared so far with Omicron. there Lack of taste and smell (delta variable attribute). But there are also other alarm bells that worry health professionals and even suggest another variable: It doesn’t look like Omicron anymore. Let’s get into the details.

Omicron, new symptom alert: ‘seems like another variant’

Lack of taste and smell, dizziness, digestive problems and patients who are infected for the third time. These are the new alarm bells being reported by experts regarding the latest Covid-19 infections.

“Unpublished” symptoms worry doctors. Silvestro ScottiThe National Secretary of the National Federation of Family Physicians explained:In the past few weeks, we have seen characteristics that are slightly different from those of previous waves. Fever is always present but in the last observed cases it is higher and lasts for at least two days. Some symptoms seem to have worsened, such as gastrointestinal symptoms and headaches“.

The new symptoms refer to a variant that differs from Omicron and Omicron 2 (prevalent in Italy). In an interview with Repubblica, Marco Trevoglia family physician at Colifero, explained: “About ten days ago, we started seeing patients with symptoms not quite like those of Omicron, eg lack of taste and smell, which makes us think about delta coming back. But also novelties, such as vertigo associated with positivity. never seen before. In addition, the first cases of triple infection arrived in people who received all three doses of the vaccine“.

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According to experts, in addition to Omicron, other variants are in circulation. in Repubblica, Massimo Sicuzzian epidemiologist at the Biomedical Campus, added: «The fundamental mistake is the belief that only Omicron is being traded now. If this were the case, it would be impossible to explain why deaths continue to occur, as Omicron causes mild symptoms. We just published a study on an alpha patient. Yes, exactly, the “old” Alpha, or English variant, behind the second wave that between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 has put a strain on the health system’s resilience.“.

Alert sequence for new Covid cases

a second Psychosythe real problem remains sequence. “If we really want to anticipate the movements of the virus – continues Sicozy – We must do like England, we must activate a real machine capable of systematically collecting and analyzing reports from the region“.

The family doctor concludes clover: «Ordering a swab sequence is almost impossible. Thus, even anomalies remain forgottenThe danger is that it is too late.


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