Saturday, July 27, 2024

In October, Europe is hot as never before – Politics


The temperatures in October 2022 in Europe recorded the highest temperatures during the month, an increase of two degrees over the period 1991-2020.. This was stated in the monthly bulletin issued by the Climate Change Service of the European Union’s Copernicus satellite system. For October, it was drier than average for much of southern Europe and the Caucasus. Elsewhere in Europe, in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in the regions of France and Germany, in the United Kingdom and Ireland, in the northwest of Scandinavia, and in a large area of ​​Eastern Europe and central Turkey, the climate was wetter than average.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, president of the annual United Nations Climate Conference COP27, announced today. Climate Change Adaptation Agenda, which aims to improve the resilience of 4 billion people by 2030 People living in communities most vulnerable to the climate crisis. The Adaptation Plan is the first global plan to bring state and non-state actors together around a common package of 30 adaptation outcomes by 2030, on food, agriculture, water, nature, oceans, coasts, human settlements, infrastructure systems, planning and finance.

The Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2022 was released this morning in Sharm El-Sheikh. The yearbook provides annual reports on the progress made by non-state actors towards their climate goalsThe. It was introduced by two high-profile United Nations champions of Cuba 26 and 27, Nigel Topping and Mahmoud Mohieldin. The yearbook shows that despite the obstacles that remain, companies, investors, cities, states, and regions are building resilience and making rapid changes in the real economy.

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Actions by non-state actors continue to grow: 34 partners from 139 countries have taken action to build capacity for 2.9 billion people, while 26 partners have mobilized more than 11,000 non-state actors from 116 countries to take action to halve global emissions. by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions by mid-century. Climate action is becoming more consistent across world regions: Yearbook records 78% increase in Asia Pacific and 67% in Africa

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of the Caribbean island of Barbados, Mia Motley, has requested that oil companies be involved in the upcoming COP, with the goal of forcing them to pay at least a dime for every dollar of billionaire profits they collect. . “We believe that non-state actors (…) and oil and gas companies and those facilitating them should participate through a special call from now to Cop28”In his speech, he said, only to ask, “How can companies that have generated $200 billion in profits in the past three months not expect to have to contribute at least a dime for every dollar of profits to the climate-related losses and damage fund? That’s what he predicts.” our people.” Motley stressed the “horror and devastation” over the past 12 months after the COP26 Glasgow conference, noting among others “the apocalyptic floods in Pakistan, heat waves from Europe to China” and the “devastation” wrought by Tropical Storm Lisa in Belize.


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