Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Imagine the World You Want” is the latest song by Franco J. Marino, The Interview


Listen to the song now on TIMMUSIC and read the interview here to find out more!

“Imagine the world you want” It is the latest single from Franco C.

Marino was released in exchange for Azure music: pop soul song with sounds Ancient and refined. He’s a fine artist who boasts important collaborations in the music scene, from Lucio Dalla to Shaggy, through Andrea Bocelli and Disney.

over there the interview Care Alessandra Paparelli from Alok.

>>> Listen to “Imagine the World You Want” on TIMMUSIC!

Let’s talk about your new song “Imagine the World You Want”, how the song was born, what is the narrative idea?

The song comes from the story of a couple’s feelings in which the other does not understand each other’s dreams. This suffering, which leads to division, opens up a more universal view of how the world and the world I imagine will be transformed. In short, one’s soul is reflected with the soul of the world.

>>> Go ahead and listen to Franco J. Marino on TIMMUSIC!

A hymn to the power of imagination, a kind of “fantasy in power”? How do you change things by force of will?

Imagination is a dream metaphor, about our desires that can change the course of events if we truly believe in them. I don’t mind your definition of imagination in power, because the physical force of things has no imagination.

How do you find that the human race has changed, 15 months into the pandemic, have social networks been beneficial or have they developed greater aggressiveness, according to your reasoning?

Do you remember the beginning of the epidemic? Everyone united to sing from their balconies, all under the same sky. It seems to me that this 15-month agony knew nothing. Social media, like all things man-made, has two paths, one going through the good and the other going through the bad, and it depends on us which direction we take. Stupid, violent people have always been there.


You are an author, composer and translator, you have been honored for your career and you have an impressive artistic career behind you, and fantastic national and international collaborations. What feelings did artists like Lucio Dalla or Andrea Bocelli leave behind?

Continue reading the Tuttorock interview >>>


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